Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Peter And The Mannequins" - Page 41

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

What makes this creepier to me is, the vampires still were sympathetic figures with some root in humanity. Even the burned men were. The mannequins are just horrifying and insane. Well, except the blue lady in the minority.

Sion Ewig said...

You finally got them Darren, LOL. The goo creeping up over the security guard and covering him creeped the boys out. But not so bad that they had problems sleeping thankfully. Keep up the good work.

Darren said...

Todd -

Good observation. I hadn't thought about it, but the vampires were essentially just little girls drunk on way too much power, but with the same insecurities all children (and even adults) have. The mannequins - especially Grimoire - are something altogether different. Mercy was just misguided; Grimoire, in my opinion, is evil. He has his reasons, as we'll find out, but he's still evil.

Sion Ewig -

Ha ha! Tell them the next story will be PETER AND THE GOO!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they get the shell off if the security guard will be ok. I guess we will find out sometime.