Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Peter And The Frankenstein" Page 1 and 2


By the way, WEREWOLVES was the last story in the second novel (and Dill's fate would have been a cliffhanger). We are now in the first story of the third novel, which explains why there is a recap/general explanation.

Aren't you glad you didn't have to wait 6-12 months to find out what happens to him?

Buy the ebook PETER AND THE FRANKENSTEIN on Kindle, Nook, or Smashwords!

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

So much for ambiguity whether he bitten; I really thought he was scratched by bushes. I didn't want Dill cursed, but I admire whenever there's serious continuity between stories, episodes, etc.

Rai said...

Ooh! Yay we get to see Grandfather's secret lair at last! I'm excited. I hope we see more of it. Maybe now Grandfather will start letting Peter in on some of his goings on. :)


N7 said...

As much as I care about Dill and his maybe furry problem I can't help but say...

*bats eyelashes*

Unknown said...

edit: whether he *was* bitten, obviously.

word verification: enedimph.

Unknown said...

Wow, very awesome. Like the good parts of Buffy mixed with Friday: the 13: The series, and a dozen other favorite shows.

I, also, want to move into Grandfather's basement.

Rubberduck said...

I am impressed by the seamless segue from "places Peter wasn't allowed to go into" to the recap of the story so far. Very natural and flowing.

Presumably the jail cell on one side of the rooom is for Dill - I don't think any of the others would hold even a child-sized werewolf.

Sochnach = A German word meaning "The state of having been bitten by a werewolf but are now more scared of the cure than the disease". Such economy of language, those Germans.

Anonymous said...

Oh this one made me chuckle a few times. Yeah Dill that is not a friendly device, you will get put into for not listening.

I bet Grandpa knows how to use most of that stuff that's down there. He can be one scary guy I am sure if he wanted to be.

THF said...

Just 50 feet down? that doesn't seem right. That would only be about a flight flight and a half of stairs unless I'm missing something.

Um the Muse said...

Oh, man. A haunted Iron Maiden? That's the creepiest, yet most logical thing I've ever heard. Thanks, Mr. Pillsbury. If you can't tell whether I'm being sarcastic or not, it's because I don't know, either.

Cat said...

Oh wow, love how this flowed so well from the last book. Also thinking a bottle of colloidal silver doesn't seem so expensive now...

We now know where to go when weapons are needed. Bloody hell, imagine what the police would think if they saw Grandfather's secret lair!

THF, I don't know exactly how many feet there would be to a story, but I'd have thought 50' would be four or five stories. Think about it, a 10' high room would be considered quite high-ceilinged. Still, maybe this could be an interactive reader project - get a tape measure and find the average height of a story :D

V-word: indes. As in, "That haunted Iron Maiden's giving me the indes." The indes could also be an eastern mountain range where werewolves originated from.

Darren said...

Todd -
Weeeellll, I wouldn't say we know 100%...yet...

Glad you like the continuity, though!

Rai -

Knowing Grandfather...maybe not.

N7 -
We'll sneak you in.

ArtGoddessAthena -
Haha! Okay, you can bunk with N7.

Rubberduck -
I'm glad you liked the segue - I figured most people would just be bored. That's why I put in 2 pages.

As for the jail cell...hmmmm...

daymon34 -
Yes, maybe the Iron Maiden will become the new threat.

DANG, how big are the steps in your house, THF?

No, as Cat says below, 50 feet would be around four or five floors below ground. That's pretty deep...

Um the Muse -
Haha! I guess it is kind of logical, isn't it?

Cat -
Yep, drink up that colloidal silver, kids. You might turn blue from argyria, but you'll be safe from werewolves.

Word: bloopere. French, snooty form of the word 'blooper.' Sounds much more urbane than the American version. "Mon Dieu, I made a bloopere."