Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Peter And The Helpers" Page 1


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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


AnakMoon said...

*rubs her hands together* Oh boy am I looking forward to this story, i have been dying to try to trace up a floor plan for the mansion, i'm weird i know but i love spooky old houses and the stories they hold <3

Hope your settled in and those writers blocks were shaken out and left behind on the road during the move!

Hoboe said...

Glad you are back! Poor Peter, doing school work at home does suck. I got stuck at home for 2 months. Maybe one of the teachers will take pity and come by and review it all with him? I know mine did.

vw: Reprelya: Noun, incomprehensible busy work given to stuck-at-home students so they will fall even further behind

Mary said...

And in THIS story the house might actually be able to TELL them!
Looking forward to exploring the mansion Darren.
Welcome back! How was the trip?

Rai said...

The dreaded homework, far worse than any beastie faced thus far!

Hope your move went well and you're settled in nicely. Can't wait for this story to get started, I'm curious about what these helpers are exactly. Also psyched to see more of the mansion, if I were Peter I'd have been exploring every nook and cranny, picking locks as I went (I was a good kid I swear!!!.

Darren said...

AnakMoon -
Haha! You're not weird! What's weird is I didn't do this earlier. Would Dill have waited this long? Naaaah.

Thanks, I hope I left them back in Foster City, Arkansas...

Hoboe -

Wow, you had NICE teachers. You most certainly did NOT have Mrs. Cashew...whom, remember, Peter's Doppelganger called a cow or something.

So, the home tutoring visits? Probably not happening...

Mary -
Haha! A talking house.


The trip was long (4 days) and hot - at least when I got out of the car. 105+ heat index (heat + humidity) in a lot of the places I stopped by. But I'm home safe now!

Rai -
True dat on the beastie.

A good kid, huh? A good LOCK-picking kid, huh? Uh-huh... suuuuuuuuure...