Monday, July 26, 2010

"Peter And The Morgue" Page 31

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

It's good to be a mad scientist's friend.

Except when he's trying to kill you.

Good luck with the move! Shout hello as you pass through Illinois, although technically I'll be on vacation in Florida or Georgia.

Jennifer said...

It's over already? It was starting to get really good.

Best of luck with the move. No one will fault you for not updating or taking some time off.

Rai said...

Take care! And don't worry about us, we're tough (I'm made of titanium now after all)!

This break also gives me some time to figure out how I'm going to steal my way into the story to save Grandfather! :D

daymon34 said...

So a couple of answers along with 'your life would be better not knowing right now'. Which only puts Peter in a place of wanting to know, and wanting to live his life.

Remember to rest up some when you can.

Anonymous said...

You could try doing a story about Grandfather's past or maybe one with witches.

Rubberduck said...

More than a nugget, indeed! You've tapped a veritable seam of Grand Plot Advancement. I felt this was a turning point story for Peter - as others have said, more mature.

You know, first time I started reading this, I didn't get into it: didn't make it to the end of Dead Men. Glad I tried again, glad this is on the interwebs.

Hydyins = One of the ideas lining Swift's wastepaper basket. Gullivers meets them trying to outdo themselves in as wacky stunts as possible, and if they end in a ball of flame, so much the better.

Darren said...

Todd -
Maybe I'll actually pass you by, since I'm headed for Georgia!

Jennifer -
Haha! I try to leave 'em wantin' more.

Rai -
You could pull an INCEPTION on the Peter plot.

daymon34 -

Anonymous -
Both already planned. Grandfather's backstory will need to happen a looooooong time from now. The WITCHES...well, they're practically around the corner.

Which means in about 9 to 12 months.

Rubberduck -
Haha! The Motherlode of Plot Advancement.

Interesting...I'm glad you stuck around, too! Thanks for the complement!

mikokit said...

Good luck with the move!

Unknown said...

Todd -
Maybe I'll actually pass you by, since I'm headed for Georgia!

Then welcome back! Highly unlikely you'll pass through the state's southwesternmost county, but shout if you do: my house is about the only thing in it.

Oh, and avoid the stand advertising "hot boiled peanuts." The guy gets them from out of a can.

Mary said...

Wave in my general direction. I'm in Florida myself but have family in Georgia!
Travel safely!

Cat said...

Awesome, tantalising story! Looking forward to the next bit, whenever you get the time and inspiration! You definitely have a talent. Good luck with the move, I know how stressful that can be.

Darren said...

mikokit -
Thank you! It's all finished now, thankfully.

Todd -
AHA! So you ARE acquainted with the boiled peanut on a personal basis!

Mary -
Thank you! (waves vigorously)

Cat -
Wow, thanks - glad you enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I'm afraid you might be let down by the next story, but it's got a key piece I have to get across...and the boys haven't gone exploring in the house yet, which is probably long overdue...