Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Grandfather and the Grownups" Page 15 and 16

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Rubberduck said...

Wow. To be honest, I'm glad we're getting this scene from Grandfather's perspective, rather than Peter's, or, God forbid, Dill's. Lot of emotions going on that I'm happy to have we dodged.

Not sure if I'm interpreting this right..but is Grandfather now Dill's guardian? And are Peter and Dill now brothers? I can only imagine how Beth will respond to that...

Mishaner = Like a misnomer, except the error is in the description rather than the name. For instance, everyone desribes Giant House Spders as "up to 14cm across" when a much more relevant description is "big enough that you'd need two bites to eat one".

Todd said...

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Mr. Bodinksi said.

Mr. Bodinski appears to have transformed there ever so slightly.

Cat said...

I think the guardianship was for the lawyer, and is only temporary - probably just for the duration of the case. And if Grandfather adopted Dill, it would sort of make him Peter and Beth's uncle. *shudder* Now that's a frightening thought! Maybe Melissa will adopt him at some point...

That spider thing is gross by the way.

WV: plarven. A musical instrument popular in mediaeval times, it had strings which the musician gently plucked. However, after one too many accidents where the musicians got carried away and plucked something else, it was banned from polite company.

Rai said...

Am I mistaken or does Mr. Bodinski have a mullet?

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Naw, Pryce is Dill's guardian, just for the proceedings of the trial. I'm not even sure 'guardian' is the right term, just that he's empowered to make legal decisions on Dill's behalf.

Todd -
You mean from the picture?

Well, it's sepia. Which means it was from his youth.

Cat -

I concur on the spider thing.

Although some girl in high school said she wouldn't eat lobster "because they're basically underwater lobsters. Look it up. IT'S A FACT."

I told her arachnids and crustaceans are completely different...subphyla?...but she didn't care.

Rai -
Mullets: business in the front, party in the back!

You are more or less correct, although I think of it more as a down-and-out Shakespeare haircut.