Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Grandfather and the Grownups" Page 3 and 4

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Cat said...

In "destroyed millions of dollars worth of property" there should be an apostrophe after "dollars".

Bloody hell, Grandfather seems to have infinite money! Wish I could just causally write out cheques for hundreds of thousands without batting an eyelid!

The description of Gwen as a "devil-worshipping hippy" was a bizarre clash of two opposing stereotypes, but I was too gobsmacked by Grandfather's defence of Dill to comment. I don't think there's anything hippy-like about Gwen (not going to speculate on the devil-worshipping, though!).

Aargh, really hope you can get wifi access - I want to know how they're going to get out of this and I don't think I can wait six whole days! lol Hope you have fun wherever you're going.

AnakMoon said...

yeah i didn't comment on the Gwen thing cause technically the hippie bit with the gun loving... it just doesn't coexists im afraid, didn't want to be nit picky...

And if this is the day after, and they have enemies within the police system, how is Peter not in jail still?

That Alphonse has got a pair...
I hope Gramps keeps the rock...
I hope Dill is ok...
Still waiting on the guards testimony, that should be interesting

Darren said...

To All -
I thought the funny thing was the way GF describes Gwen is the way HE sees her. A 65+ year-old guy wouldn't know what a goth is, so he basically equates her odd dress with...WAIT, I just figured it out, he shouldn't call her a hippie, he should call her a BEATNIK. Yes, I'm totally serious. I think I'll change that now.

That gets rid of the whole devil worshiping comment, too.

And no, he doesn't think Gwen worships the devil. (She doesn't. Smith & Wesson maybe, but not the devil.) It's just his offensive shorthand for how he sees her.

Cat -
He's basically a multi-millionaire.

But it's blood money, so that's bad.


AnakMoon -
She's a beatnik now! (At least in GF's mind, which is not acquainted with goths.)

It's America! They were released on bail! And GF's got a LOT of cash...

Todd said...
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Todd said...

I liked hippie. She could be a Vermont hippie; Vermont hippies take their guns into the grocery store.

Um the Muse said...

Somehow, when GF said his infamous phrase, I totally thought he meant beatnik, lol. Oh well, you know what they say about beatniks and hippies: the only difference is the smell.

About the negotiations thing, I'd meant that people will say the strangest things sometimes, just to help them win. I thought that the moonrock thing was bluster, too, btw.

Enjoy your trip, Darren!