Monday, June 27, 2011

"Peter and the Crazies" Chapter 37

Chapter 37 -
One Of The Smartest People In The World

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Rai said...

Wow. He's really thought this all out. I'm impressed, and kind of scared that I'm impressed.

I was excited when I heard the gunshots. I thought grandfather might be busting his way in. Oh well.

Um the Muse said...

Well, Seamus may yet enter the stage. Who knows what Dr. V is planning on doing once he makes his escape. I predict he lets the kids on the helicopter, but he can't really afford to let them tell anybody. There's no way anyone would believe that a couple of deranged kids did that much damage in such a tightly secured place. Besides, there're still guards standing. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see riot squads being flown in, probably SWAT as well.

I suspect this'll turn into a hostage situation.

Cat said...

OK, is it wrong that I sort of want to start a "We <3 Dr Veedermeier" club? I know he's technically the bad guy, but he is sooo awesome. Creating money out of thin air so he can have his own squad of mercenaries on permanent standby? You can't tell me that's not cool!

The question is, who would win in a fight: Dr V or Jax?

@ Darren-from-yesterday: We might say poison dart, but I suspect that's just laziness of language. It was probably shortened from poisoned dart or something.

Cat said...

PS - He's one of the five smartest people in the world? So who are the other four (don't say Dill)?! :D

Darren said...

Rai -
I don't think you should be scared of being impressed...just don't be so impressed that you're not scared of him!

Um the Muse -
A hostage situation would be interesting...that's a good idea for a future story...

Cat -
Start it up! Cat is now the president of the "We <3 Dr. Veedermeier" Fan Club!

Hmmmm...that's a tough one. In his various sidetrips into supervillain training, I would assume that Dr. V didn't ignore basic hand-to-hand combat (witness his dispatching one fellow inmate a few chapters ago with blowdarts but without the blow gun), plus extensive knowledge of pressure points on the human body. I knew a guy who studied Kali Escrima who could smack you on your chest in several places, incapacitating your arms and thus leaving him time to break your windpipe or catapult you across the room. I bet Dr. V would know alllll about that.

And if Dr. V had time to prepare a nasty surprise - like animated corpse monsters or whatnot - Jax would be in serious trouble.

But hey...we are talking Jax here. I'm sure he has a few tricks up his sleeve we don't know about.

What a guy.

Cat 2 -
Stephen Hawking and four other guys who think Stephen Hawking is clever but misguided.

If you were going to include dead guys, Einstein and Newton would make the list as well. Not Galileo, though. Dr. V discovered the basic laws of gravity (using a wooden duck and cherry pit) at the age of four before he even heard of Mr. G.