Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Peter And The Substitute Teacher" Ch. 39-43

Chapter 39 - A Worthless Witch, At That
Chapter 40 - The Fine Art Of Burglaring
Chapter 41 - Grandfather Sees Reason
Chapter 42 - A Horrifying Discovery
Chapter 43 - Ding Dong, The Witch Is Gone

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Um the Muse said...

Congratulations, sounds like your story time went really well.

Typo: Peter followed cautiously behind him and .

I can't even guess at the missing word.

Rai said...

Don't give up hope yet!

And I'm so glad your readings are going well!!!! It's great that you're doing them; I think it's really helping encourage kids to read by showing them that reading can be fun, and there are good stories out there. I never had a problem myself (my mother had me reading before kindergarten lol), but I know a ton of people who "just don't like reading." And at that point a little piece of me dies.

Anyways, last update appears to have eaten my post. The gist of it was I don't trust Ms. Valinda, think she's either in league with bad witches, or is the real bad witch (or all witches are bad).

For this update. My suspicions grow! Too many things don't add up for me to believe Enid is evil and Valinda good. And another thing. Crystal ball, perhaps as a spy tool.

Rubberduck said...

Good work on the readings - it sounds like you're having a great time spreading the word.

Rai, I also think there's a faintly fishy smell around that crystal ball. If it's where everyone can see it it's where it can see everyone, after all.

Incidentally black is not the best colour for blending in at night. It stands out like a silhouette - what you really need is dark blue.

I really, really want to buy a turtleneck, make coffee in a mug, then walk round calling people daddy-o. Maybe with a beret as well.

Just for clarification: when you say the sculptures in Enid's room are made from nails welded together, you ARE talking about metal nails, right?

I really like the description of the circle and the photographs. Very witchy. Though I'm kind of concerned that they didn't destroy it in any more permanent fashion...

Dizessi = An Italian designer of suits and shoes, notable for making them light and breathable while at the same time bulletproof and with many hidden pockets and holsters.

Rubberduck said...

And again, because when am I ever going to get this chance? My v-word this time is chcultu.


Cat said...

Cool on the library readings! I know when I was at school my favourite times were reading time, lucky kids getting to hear your stories!

I too have had suspicions about Miss Valinda, and reading the description of Enid's room made me even more suspicious. My first thought was Enid was actually trying to protect them all - that Valinda was the one responsible for Mrs Cashew's blindnes and that's why she got her job rather than Enid. Incidently, they didn't check what had happened to Gwen's usual teacher - how did Enid get the job?

Pentagrams are usually for protection. Until I read the description of the dead animals I thought Enid was using the photos, pentagram etc as a general protection spell for Peter and co. But if Enid is good then I don't see how the poor dead animals fit in.

Also, if a witch was sent to destroy Peter it would make sense that said witch would be charming and charismatic, to put people off their guard and gain allies. Another reason to suspect Valinda! Enid's probably so grumpy and disinterested because she's spending all night trying to counter Valinda's evil spells! There's also the East/West confusion, but since the only information on that they have comes from Valinda it's not exactly trustworthy.

Also both witches could be evil, but in competition with each other to gain control of Peter etc - one by forceful spells, the other more subtly by trying to get them to trust her :) So many possibilities!

WV: ingosot. A small tribe of Celtic hill people who disappeared nearly 2000 years ago due to the fact that they made their weapons out of gold. They looked pretty, but were tragically ineffective against iron.

Darren said...

Um the Muse -

And thanks. Yeah, there were a couple weird things in there.

Rai -
Thank you! Yeah, now I just need to start cold calling people...the kids like me fine, it's just the grown-ups I'll have to convince.

Whaaaaaaa? Oh, you and your silly suspicions, Rai...

Rubberduck -

Where's everybody so hung up on the crystal ball? It's a perfectly innocent, lovely crystal ball, given by a perfectly innocent, wonderful witch. don't know that about blue burgling suits from EXPERIENCE, do you?

We should start the "Daddy-O Club," and we will do just what you suggested.

Good point...yes, they are made of metal nails.

HAHAHAHA! Edni and Livoria called him forth from L'ryeh.

Cat -
Thank you!

Sigh...such a suspicious lot...

Well, now that you've read this installment, I can commend you: good job on figuring out about the Pentagon. Gram. You know.

Mmmm...I was going with the dead animals for a threatening, eye-of-newt and wing-of-bat sort of thing without being TOO horribly misleading. I figured she'd put the dangerous animals on the outside, and the sweet ones on the inside.

And the animals were already dead. Taken out of Enid's private stockpile of magical elements, and all of them died naturally. No animals were harmed in the making of this pentagram.