Friday, October 15, 2010

"Peter And The Museum" Page 16 and 17

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

I find honesty is the best policy when explaining why I'm trapped in the closet. See, it's 7 o' clock in the morning, and the rays from the sun wake me...

Mative: the reason you do something stupid when in a large group of friends.

Um the Muse said...

I don't suppose it matters much that his phone was deliberately made to be untraceable....

Now, I wonder, how did Dill come up with that excuse so quickly? :P

Well, at least they have a ride. Eventually. Assuming it'll be even possible to drive in those conditions.

Speaking of which, be careful on the roads out there, Darren. Slick roads can be worse than lots of snow, especially if you're not used to it.

Unknown said...

1. "Delinquents" is misspelled.
2. How does Mom know Peter has a cellular phone? I thought it was a secret.

word verification: gaboodge

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
And it had nothing to do with anything consumed the previous evening.

Um the Muse -
Oh yeah...

Well, Gwen never knew that bit of info, and Dill believes cheese doesn't come from milk, so I'll say Peter has forgotten because of the stress.


Todd -
1) Thanks!
2) ARRRGGGGHHH! Now I've got to retcon it...

I might even have to write it into a previous story...

Excellent catch, though. Thanks again!