Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Peter And The Museum" Page 42

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Somebody call 911! Mummy fire burning on the dancefloor, whooah!

What needs to happen now is for something blunt (like, say, a werewolf) to smash up the fragile pieces of the mummy.

Preadeda = An Italian custom - whenever someone says, "No-one could have survived that!" they will cross themselves and say this.

Um the Muse said...

Maybe the force from the fire retardants will be enough?

Speaking of retards, I wonder what the cops outside the museum are thinking. They obviously heard shots fired; Peter and gang were able to hear them at one point, which means the cops should have heard something going on, yet haven't heard any more shots fired (doubt they could hear the xbow); and are about to hear the fire alarms.

daymon34 said...

I am getting the image close to a terminator when it kept on walking, be about the same level of terror as it keeps coming. Flaming skeleton walking and trying to kill you, yeah that will give Peter more bad dreams. It is a wonder that Grandpa sleeps at all.

Quick Peter find a bat and start knocking bones off of it.

Rubberduck said...

@Daymon - animal cruelty won't help matters!

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Haha! A werewolf as a blunt weapon...nice.

Um the Muse -
Well, remember, this IS the Charterton Police force, not the NYPD or the LAPD. They're a little less used to gunfire breaking out in buildings they're physically barred from entering.

daymon34 -
Yep, a Terminator made out of bones and mummified flesh.

Rubberduck -