Friday, April 1, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 83 thru 85

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Damn...I think this is the first time our heroes have been quite so helpless. I think the Shadow Men are the most powerful foes they've faced yet (barring the Psycho ToTs, pending further information).

Good thing Dill can heal...hopefully he can heal the brain tissue damaged by lack of oxygen. Scott, I fear, won't be so lucky. We hardly knew ye...

Drowning a peaceful death? I've always thought it's the worst, because it hurts to not breathe long before it kills you.

Prefl = A type of mushroom similar to a truffle, highly prized for its distinctive flavour and explosive properties.

Todd said...

I hope this turns around. I'll reserve judgment in the meantime.

Cat said...

I'm not sure a bit of brain damage will affect Dill that much... :)

Wow, that was intense! I was half-expecting Scott to lose his nerve when he was spelling out his name. I would definitely rather die by gunshot to the head than drowning on shadow tendrils. Question is, will it be enough?!

I'll agree the bogeymen are the most powerful yet, since they can't be stopped or even slowed down. Still wonder what'd happen if you shone a bright light on them though...

Um the Muse said...

Thinking of these guys as pure shadow is wrong, apparently; plunging your hand into shadow shouldn't change the shadow at all, but it does affect these inaratu. In fact, they seem to act more like liquids that can keep a form than anything.

Mary said...

Having been bullied, but never to the degree that he was, I hope that Scott survives this for the better.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Yeah, when I set out to write this, I didn't quite intend on making them the evil Supermen of Peterworld...

I thought a long time about whether Scott should wake up or not - and actually I agonized over the same question with Mercy. But in VAMPIRES, I knew I couldn't start off that universe with so dark a beginning, and here...I dunno, there's plenty of dark stories coming, and enough darkness in this one (poor Marsha!), I figured I should be able to let 'em live sometimes.

Todd -
Well, it turned around - but was it believable?

Cat -
True dat on the brain damage.

Just kidding, Dill.

Um the Muse -
Yeah, I think it's more like they're Darkness personified. Not just "physical lack of light," but some sort of metaphysical manifestation of evil.

Mary -
Awwww - Mary agrees with me that sometimes our secondary characters should get a second chance...