Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 82

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Um the Muse said...

You called Peter eter around the second para. Also, it was a little jarring when you used the person: "As soon as everyone stopped talking, you could hear it immediately: skrrrrssh, skrrrrssh, skrrrrssh." They instead of you, for consistency.

Also, I know I said it was a trap, but seeing it in action is something else again. Still, the boogeymen can't kill Scott without dying themselves, so I bet Scott gets used a lot in the next chapter. He's either gonna throw himself in front of an attack, or sacrifice himself.

Rubberduck said...

I wonder how that works - its being a trap, I mean. Obviously the board hasn't been enchanted to kill them straight off, or else our heroes names would have been first on the list. It could have some kind of proximity sensor, to quickly activate when they were close to the board, but what's the point?

I think the board somehow detected a threat in the boys, and went into overdrive to protect itself. So it's a trap in the sense that Fallon could have expected this to happen given the boys' heroism, I guess...

Untimi = Late AND dyslexic.

Todd said...

I'm trying to remember if these stories have been creepier before. Nothing yet.

Seaspray said...

Um, it was Peter, but by the end of the page, the 'p' had been used by Dill...

Um the Muse said...

@ Seaspray: haha, it was the big pee this time, too. Makes sense.

@Rubberduck: Unless they have some sort of long-range protection we don't know of, I guess you're right. I just thought it was a trap because Scott's crush's name appeared right before.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that they'll wash the blood off the ouija board. Any opinions

AnakMoon said...

@Darren - no/maybe/kinda/ a list with the characters names on it... i'm lazy with a bad memory...

shoot the board shoot the board shoot the board shoot the board !!!

Darren said...

Um the Muse -
Thanks for the typo/grammar spots!

Sacrifice himself?! Hmmmm...

Rubberduck -
I think Fallon's devious plots(this one and the Gingerbread men) are...well, I was going to say Rube Goldbergian, but that's not right. More like indiscriminate and brutal. Kind of like nuking an entire city to kill one guy.

Todd -
Really? Creepier than the children's souls in the freak show mirror? Cool. WINNING!

Seaspray -
It took me about 30 seconds to get that - in fact, I went searching for a rogue letter in the blog post, I'll admit. But when I finally got it, I laughed out loud. Awesome.

Um the Muse -
Haha! Good follow up.

Yes, I can confirm, it definitely WAS a trap set by Fallon. Jennifer's name...well, I think the board kills specifically (Mike), randomly (Marsha), and occasionally through connections to the person who summoned the Inaratu. The board may help its user out in some instances, but the karmic payback is horrific - and fairly immediate.

AnakMoon -
Haha! Okay, that makes the most sense.

Let's see...
Scott - 7th-grader with the Ouija board, approaches Peter for help

Jennifer - girl he has a crush on

Jax - "what a guy," coolest guy at school, Jen is (now) his girlfriend

Fallon - proprietor of Hidden Books bookshop, seller of Ouija board (and, in another story, the Gingerbread Men cookbook), Grandfather's stepbrother, evil dude

Mike Turnerpike - Scott's school bully, the board's first victim, older brother to Tad Turnerpike (bully at Peter's school)

Marsha - random victim

Inaratu - the shadow men that the Ouija board summons

Dr. Zimmerman - Scott's therapist, only mentioned a couple of times

Dr. Sheldon Prescott - Peter and Dill's court-appointed psychiatrist

Scott's parents - Craig and Andrea

Anybody else is just a random victim or bit player.