Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Peter and the Crazies" Chapter 43 and 44

Chapter 43 - Aftermath
Chapter 44 - One Last Call

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Rubberduck said...

Awww! As endings go, that was a pretty happy one. Gwen allowed to hang out with the boys, Peter and Grandfather making up, and Peter now has a supervillain of speed-dial in case of emergencies! Wait, that last one's not necessarily good at all...

It is freaking awesome, though.

I very much enjoyed the happy fuzzy scenes between Melissa and Peter and Peter and Grandfather. And also that Peter is such a kid that he's juding which one makes him look cooler to SWAT personnel...hmm, does Peter want to be a cop when he's older?

Dounist: An emo Scotsman.

Anonymous said...

I agree - a very satisfying ending. With no sign of Deputy Jerkface, for once!

And I thought Dr. V.'s parting message was really sweet. In a warped sort of way, of course. But that's really the best sort of sweetness.

WV: pahop: A Tahitian beverage made from papaya, coconut and asparagus.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Glad you liked it! Yes, it was nice to finally have an ending where everything worked out. Sort of.

And it IS freaking awesome, isn't it? Just imagine if you had Lex Luthor on speed dial. Or Dr. Doom. And they owed you one.

Maybe not the Joker. That would just uncomfortable, disjointed conversation.

I don't know if Peter wants to be cop, but would you want to be wept over by your Mom while the manly, manly SWAT team watched?

Noooo, of course not.

misslynx -
Twisted sweetness is especially the best sort of sweetness when we're not on the receiving end of it!

Cat said...

Thing is, Peter refuses to accept help from Dr V, let alone ask for it. He's oddly suspicious and stubborn like that... I can only see Peter ringing Dr V when he's literally seconds away from death and there's absolutely no other choice, eg he's hiding in a cupboard while an enraged demon tries to break down the door. Unless Dr V has a teleporter (which I'm not ruling out - that'd be so awesome!) Peter would be dead before he got there, and I don't think he'd want to be brought back as one of Dr V's... creations :D

Lorven said...

Thank you so much for the stories Darren. I feel very privileged to been able to read them for free. I really enjoy your work and envy your talent. I hope you will make use of your mailing list whenever there is more releases. One day I hope to see your books in hardback in my bookcase. Once again, thank you!

Kelly said...


Darren said...

Cat -
Peter brought back as one of Dr. V's creations?!


I'm going to have to work that in somehow, even if it's only a nightmare sequence...

Lorven -
Hey Lorven! Aw, thanks. I appreciate it. Until that day, there's always ebooks - and not only that, wish fulfilled: more updates!

Kelly -
Haha! Glad you liked it. I kinda thought it was one of my better ones, too.