Sunday, July 31, 2011

"Peter And The Substitute Teacher" Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - School Is Hell

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Rubberduck said...

A succint recap! And of course, curious about this substitute teacher. My guess is either a young beautiful lady, or a young awesome dude (Jax?), to contrast with Mrs. Cashew.

Although I'm getting the mental (VERY mental) image of it being Grandfather. Can you imagine?

Nomer = One who believes 'The Simpsons' isn't funny. The population has exploded in recent years.

Hoboe said...

@Rubberduck: I'm with you, I was thinking of Grandfather. Or of some super charismatic person who lures the children in and steals their life essence.

Imstapik: the scientific term for being "word constipated". You know, that lovely feeling of knowing the word, it's right on the tip of your tongue but you just can't say it?

P.S. Remember to protect all of your precious bodily fluids!

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
You didn't know that Grandfather moonlights as a substitute teacher?! You mean I left that out of the other books?!!

Hoboe -
Good to see you back!

Now I have to do a story about a charismatic villain pied piper dude. Sounds too good to pass up!

PS - That's right. No fluoride in the water.