Friday, September 30, 2011

"Peter And The Substitute Teacher" Ch. 28-30

Chapter 28 - Up On Your Feet
Chapter 29 - Alibis
Chapter 30 - Late-Night Musings

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Rubberduck said...

Okay, 'tree limb' is now the default answer to Melissa concerning anything Dill wouldn't want to talk about. Scratched yourself and the wound is growing eyes and a mind of its own? "Tree limb." Carpenter's shop destroyed under mysterious circumstances, and strange wailing coming from it at night? "Tree limb." Duskerville forest begins attacking the residents (again)? "Tree limb...oh, wait."

Also, frickin' squee. That is all.

Sumel = The angel of maths. Powerful and wise, but all the Thrones kept pranking him because of his nerdy outfits. In retaliation Sumel invented physics and pinned the blame on Aristotle.

MistyCat said...

There seems to be a slight continuity problem with Chapter 29. After Peter and Grandfather discuss arboreal Feng Shui with Mother, they move to the basement with Frank. Grandfather then says, "... we have to get back up there before your mother gets home..."

Also, I feel Gwen would have thought, "none of them was properly trained" rather than, "none of them were properly trained," but really, with the standards of education today it's hard to tell.

Rai said...

Aww Gwen, don't go getting soft on me!

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! "The wound is growing eyes and a mind of its own"? EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

That's one of the grossest things I've read in these comments.

I'm going to use that in a story now.

Hope you found the latest installment squee-worthy, too!

MistyCat -
Good call. I saw your note, went back and read the chapter, and decided it was needlessly contorted, what with a flashback, then a sort-of half-flash-forward ending the chapter. So I broke it into two chapters that don't jump around in time now.

Thanks for the insight!

Rai -
Haha - what do you think about her going soft NOW, Rai?

Admittedly, there was a lot of screaming from Gwen in the latest chapters...but there was quite a bit of badassery, too!