Friday, July 16, 2010

"Peter And The Morgue" Page 24

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Hmm, my predictions for this story were wrong...this time. I thought it would be Peter battling demons of a more metaphorical kind.

Still, a nugget of Grand Plot Advancement! A disturbing one - mystical nasties want specifically Peter dead. Looks like Grandfather's feeling guilty about that one.

Forse = What you must use to get internet access round here - sorry for the long silence, Mr. Pillsbury.

daymon34 said...

If Peter calls Grandpa at least he is already awake. I wonder what Seamus knows about the angry spirits that wants to kill Peter.

And boy those two are still going to try and have it out later I think. Just put your pride aside for a little while Peter, first you need to live thru the night.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Ah, more than a nugget is coming, RD!

daymon34 -
There is definitely a head-to-head a-comin'.