Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Peter And The Substitute Teacher" Ch. 4 and 5

Chapter 4 - Haters Be Hatin'
Chapter 5 - Party Time!

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Relaunch at www.PeterAndTheVampires.com

Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Awww! Gwen be jellin! I wonder if this story'll be largely from her perspective like Boogeymen was largely from Scott's. Since she's probably tough enough to resist Ms. Valinda's whatever-it-is...

Although, I'm actually putting in a vote for the 'red herring' option. Not that I mean she's actually part-fish (you want Massachusetts for that), just that she's a normal, if beautiful, charming, and slightly shotacon woman, with a very complex perfume that simply happens to be hard to pin down.

Either way, Peter's in for some AAWWKWAAARD conversations in his near future.

Fause = I got nothing, again, but I must compliment the v-word program for its incredibly aesthetically pleasing writing on this one.

Kelly said...

I feel bad for Gwen and Peter's mom...I mean, Im not even there, and Im tired of hearing how incredible she is from him, haha

Makes me wonder if I was like this with my first crushes...

Rai said...

If this wasn't in the volume Peter and the witch(es?) I'd suggest she was a witch...

Also, I'd be less suspicious of her if she weren't in the title of the book. The supernatural things are always in the title.

Presence is a skill from a game I play. Rank 1 gets you Awe. Turn that on and everyone in the room goes gag over you. :)

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
I will have to do a Gwen-centric story at some point, but other than a few brief chapters, I can tell you that she's more of a supporting character in this one. However, she has a pretty awesome Chapter 7 coming up.

'A very complex perfume that's hard to pin down'! I think you should copyright/trademark that, Rubberduck - Chanel's been nosing around the blog, looking for marketing slogans for their new line!

Kelly -
Haha! And believe me, it's gonna get worse for Mom.

I wonder if I went around telling everybody how awesome Carrie Fisher was when I was a little kid...

Rai -
Aha! I KNEW I had a weakness in there, what with the naming conventions...

But just wait until Chapter 7 before you draw any conclusions...

And I agree, Ms. Valinda has Rank 1++. Sort of...as we shall soon see.

V-word: Shleck. Half-brother of a certain (in)famous green ogre. Best friend is a jackass named Ronkey.

And no, Ronkey is a human.