Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Peter And The Substitute Teacher" Ch. 9

Chapter 9 - A Little Throw-Up In The Mouth

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Fanboy!Peter is absolutely hilarious. Fanboy!Dill is just weird. Fangirl!Gwen would be both, so here's hoping it happens before the end of the story.

By the way, the twist ending I'm hoping for (apart from that both substitute teachers are perfectly normal if strangely-adjusted human beings) is that Ms. Valinda meets a certain punk rock skater and rides off into the sunset with him on the back of his hybrid motorcycle (cool guys respect the environment, kids). Ms. Enid meets Grandfather, but it doesn't work out.

Recel = To speed up or slow down while walking in such a way as to make it clear to the person you were talking to that the conversation has ended.

(Crack pairings ftw!)

(Actually thinking about it Enid and Grandfather probably have compatible attitudes, at least as far as children are concerned...ARGH BRAIN BLEACH NAOW)

Rai said...

Rubberduck did not go light on the romance novels this week... :)

My hypothesis still stands that substitutes are taking over the school for some evil plot. Hopefully Gwen will be smart and take her suspicions to Grandfather. He might not listen, at least right away, but at least he'd know for when things get real hinky...

... Unless he gets substituted too! D: Oh no! Substitute Grandfather!

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Haha - well, the fanboy-ity is about to get even weirder!

Yeah man, that's nasty thinking about Ms. Enid and Grandfather...and I think Ms. Valoria should wait about, oh, 4 years before she rides off on that hybrid motorcycle. If she doesn't want to go to jail, anyway.

Rai -
Hahaha! I think that Peter and Dill's fanboy-nimity has just spilled over, that's all.

Substitute Grandfather - I should do a story where Peter wakes up and there's a completely DIFFERENT old man in GF's place, who's nice and kindly, and nobody but him acts like there's anything wrong...

V-word: resse. The way Scooby-Doo pronounces 'Jesse.'

Darren said...

'nobody but him' in last post: him = Peter, btw