Just a quick note: check the very bottom of the blog for some news.
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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.
Hey, guys!
I've decided to do a daily thang of my own besides the PETER tales. Just posting the stories is great, but sometimes I want to add a little something extra. Communicating with you readers is a lot easier when I don't just do it via the Comments section.
If you just want the stories, that's cool by me - you won't be missing a whole lot down here in the Crypt. If there's any really juicy news, like the prospect of a book, don't worry - it'll be splashed all over the site. I won't LET you miss that. This is more for the daily humdrum stuff, plus an occasional insight into the stories.
I thought I'd kick it off by explaining why Page 1 of MANNEQUINS reads like a "Previously on 24..." segment at the beginning of a television show.
PETER AND THE VAMPIRES was the generic title for the first book of stories, which included "Dead Men", "Vampires", "Changeling", and "Swamp Monster". We're now into what I consider to be the second book - PETER AND THE WEREWOLVES. Every book (aka every collection of four stories) will have a new title. For instance, I already know PETER AND THE FRANKENSTEIN will be the 3rd book in the series.
But PETER AND THE VAMPIRES just sounds cool. And I don't want a whole bunch of www.com addresses, so we're keeping it simple: www.PeterAndTheVampires.com for everything.
But since "Mannequins" is the first story in the second volume, I'm writing it with an eye towards its eventual publication on tree pulp. Hence, anybody who picks up WEREWOLVES without reading VAMPIRES might wonder why two kids broke into a ranger's station. What, are they hoodlums? What's this Pillsbury fool foisting off on the chil'rens these days?
Anyway, there you have it. That's why the page reads like we've been on a six month hiatus, instead of one day.
Settle back and enjoy the community service, cuz things won't get bumpy for a week or two.
But ohhhhh, when they do...
Darren out.