Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 14 and 15

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Jennifer said...

I think it's great that you're writing for yourself. It keeps your writing true and entertaining. When an author starts catering to a demographic for mass appeal and sales purposes, sometimes the writer loses sight of what the story is really about. This isn't the case in your stories and that's why I really enjoy them. I love young adult fiction and rereading my YA books.

Unfortunately, there isn't alot of good YA fiction being written and I mostly read classics. Harry Potter was good until rowling's editors stopped doing their jobs after Prisoner of Azkabahn (my fav. book) and let every page be published. I really think books 4-7 were too long, but that's a debate for a nother day.

Keep up the good work. I really liked these pages and I think they cleared up some of the questions I had a few days ago, espeically the first few paragraphs.

Sorry, I'm not in your kid demographic (29), but I seem to fit in with all the other older female readers. :)

BTW I think staring at girls from behind bushes is really creepy.

WV: Aslyn - a talking lion without god-like powers. He gets a lot of wrong numbers from Narnia.

Rubberduck said...

I like these stories because they're refreshingly and consistently well-written and interesting. I would absolutely read these stories to my kids (if I had any), and although I can't speak for my 12-year-old self, I doubt my tastes have changed so drastically. And a story doesn't need sex, drugs, or rock n' roll to be gritty.

On to the page today!

Nice try, Scott. If you don't get killed here I think we can count finally standing up to Mike as a personal victory. Now take this oppurtunity to clean up your act, stop stalking, join a few clubs, turn your life around!

The next few seconds are going to suck, though.

Wingst = Pretty sure this is an acual fanfic term! Couldn't find it, but it causes this:

(Sorry, everyone.)

Um the Muse said...

@Darren from yesterday: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. In my mind, the more over-the-top the violence is, the more kids seem to like it, so most of your examples would have been fine. Courtroom drama? Creepy kids watching from the bushes? Not so much.

I like the way you write, and I don't think you need to cater to a demographic in any way, shape, or form. With that said, I don't think that there's a lot of 13 year-olds trawling the Internet looking for books to read (and fewer who would admit it). I could be totally off-base, but that's my impression.

VW: Garriump, doggie!

AnakMoon said...

whatsisname should be whatshisname

What ever you dont change your style, i love being able to slip right into a new narrators mindset because the writing its self id different. Brilliant.

Darren said...

Jennifer -
Thanks! And believe me, I'm thrilled to have all my readers along for the ride. And even better, 29 year-olds generally buy a lot more books than 15 year-olds.'s creepy, true...but I'd say it's more pathetic than creepy...

@Todd from yesterday -
Glad you're liking the comments!

Rubberduck -
Cool, glad you're enjoying them, and hopefully your future kids will, too!

"These next few seconds are going to suck, though."

I think I'm going to have to have Dill say that at some point.

Dang you, Rubberduck. I went to look at your link. An hour later, I return from that cursed site...

Um the Muse -
That's the major problem - the lack of teen and pre-teen trawling the internet for horror-comedy fiction...

AnakMoon -
Thanks! (blushes)