Monday, January 31, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 21 and 22

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Um the Muse said...

Hah, I totally missed the reference; I really thought that Anakmoon was reading some other webnovel and somehow responded here instead.

Btw, did you know you've got a couple reviews on ?

Stiuz: Soup from the old country; especially skwerl stiuz

Rubberduck said...

Okay, I know he's a turbo-charged creep, but Fallon's life sounds pretty awesome...he's like the better class of Lovecraftian cultist.

In fact his whole spiel about 'words from before mankind' sounds pretty Lovecraftian - was this an influence by any chance?

Still, I have to say I'm much more interested in Fallon as a character now - good job!

Tervinak = The Cult of Tervinak had a resurgence a few years ago, but the police were able to arrest all members before the demon was summoned thanks to an undercover operation by Jax, who masqueraded as a cultist after his friend's cousin was brainwashed. What a guy.

Eldoran said...

Too bad Scott only knows the "censored" version of Peter's adventures, commonly known as newspaper.
Or he'd know what to really make of the bakery incident. Well this obviously leads down to a similar road - a thrashing by Mike probably WOULD be preferable to that.
His gut is in this case the better judge.

Darren said...

Um the Muse -
Yeah, I contacted them, and some editors and readers put up some really nice reviews.

Including our very own Eldoran! Thanks, E!

If anybody out there also put up a review, let me know so I can give you a shout-out!

Rubberduck -
I really, really like that description: "a better class of Lovecraftian cultist."

Wouldn't Lovecraft have been awesome if he'd written about evil gingerbread men Elder Gods?

I wasn't thinking of Lovecraft specifically when I wrote that, RB, but I've read some of his stories, so maybe ol' H.P. was knocking around up there in the attic when I was trying to come up with something spooky...


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Love the Jax story!

In fact, I suggest that people write in with their stories of Jax's exploits throughout the world.

Saint, hero, lady's man, Indiana Jones all rolled into one...who knew such a guy existed, much less at Hawthorne Junior High.

(By the way, I actually DID go to an actual Hawthorne Junior High. Just not in Duskerville.)

Eldoran -
Again, thanks for that great review at!

True...but I can guarantee you, by the end of this tale, Scott will know a little more of the "behind the scenes" of Peter's life...