Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Peter and the Crazies" Chapter 29

Chapter 29 - Alter-nate Perspectives

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Cat said...

I think the other typo Um spotted in the last chapter was "In an attempt to study the Other Personality with complete detachment, Sheldon let the it have complete control over his body."

Who to believe? The mad scientist who sews together body parts and brings them to life and then tries to kill people, then speaks so rationally that you can almost believe him? Or the mad psychiatrist who tries experimental drugs created by a mad scientist out on patients without the consent or knowledge of anyone, and has a serial-killer split personality? Oooh, choices, choices!

(At the moment, the Mad Psychiatrist's version sounds more likely to me, not that I would trust either of them!)

Rubberduck said...

Ninja Hyde is ninja...y!

I think part of why Kott's story seems more convincing is because we're hearing it second, and also because at the moment he has control over the situation.

For what it's worth I think elements of both are true, but Kott has no reason to lie whereas Dr. V. does want the boys to like him, so would obviously have painted himself as the victim. I don't think we'll ever discover whose story is really true...

Operen = Spanish infinitive of the verb, 'to not worry, to be unruffled'. The English word 'meh' comes closest to expressing the meaning.

Rai said...

You can't handle the truth!

I still want the truth though.

My hypothesis is that Dr. V is somewhat telling the truth, and that he wanted to break free; he just picked the time when it would be most opportunistic. He knows the kids, knows how to manipulate them and so convinced (tricked? blackmailed?)Dr. Prescott into getting them to the asylum where he could put his plan into action.

I think Dr. Prescott is batsh*t crazy, though. I don't trust a thing he says. This could be because he's currently a deranged smurf. I don't know.

Darren said...

Cat -

Now, thanks to Chapter 32, you have an even better window on the situation...

Rubberduck -
"Half-truth here, and half-truth there, and whole-truth inbetween."

I think we'll get 99% of the way there by the end of the story.

Maybe 94%.

Rai -
And you shall have it!

Yes, I'd say your hypothesis is pretty good.

Deranged smurfs are often known for being untrustworthy, so good call. (If you actually see a deranged smurf, go immediately to a mental health professional.)