Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Peter And The Museum" Page 12 and 13

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

Darn that Kyle! He never mentioned lycanthropy can be so inconvenient.

Rubberduck said...

"Luckily the two adults who had entered were the only other people present, and they were engrossed in the space suit."

I'm choosing to read this as "they were encased in the space suit". Because it's WAY funnier in my head.

Ungszat = German word meaning 'the excitement felt when reading or watching something new'.

daymon34 said...

I wonder what has Peter and Gwen so jumpy, couldn't have anything to do with Dill having a bad hair day...

I wonder how many other shapeshifters know to avoid moon rocks. Grandpa is going to catch a lot of crap from Dill, but will learn that rocks can start a change.

Eldoran said...

@todd: Well Kyle wouldn't have thought that as inconvenient - more like a treasure - after all wearing a tiny piece close would allow the transformation whenever they wanted (instead of "only" on the nights around the full moon). Even better - it might even allow for a supercharged version of the transformation (whatever that would be on someone with the full effect lycanthropy).

I suppose Peter is trying to fake the head count. After all this is usually done in a way that CAN be fooled, but I suppose this would require to leave Dill alone.

And looking at the "page number", this cannot be the end. I have a feeling that retrieving Dill later is the most reasonable cause of more mayhem... wait a minute, they are supposed to leave because of a blizzard, which means that it should be nearly impossible to retrieve Dill later.
So may ways this can go horribly wrong...
Well lesson for the future: always take the medicine with you Dill.

Unknown said...

I was kidding.

Darren said...

Todd -
And the flossing with those teeth! Don't even get me started.

Rubberduck -
And way funnier in the spacesuit's head, too! Two smushed-together faces peering out of that visor...

daymon34 -
I think I have to work "bad hair day" in somewhere.

Eldoran -
What up, E! I like that quote, "After all this [faking a head count to get out of school] is usually done in a way that CAN be fooled..."

Eldoran, are you skipping school? Are you flouting authorities? More importantly, are you getting away with it?

You should tell us how!

Todd -

I was going to try to do a shorter reply than you, but all I could come up with was "Jesus wept," and I didn't think it was exactly appropriate to the conversation.

(BTW, for all you Buddhists out there, "Jesus wept" is the shortest verse in the Bible. I am in no way implying that anything Eldoran or Todd is doing would make the Baby Jesus cry.

Although, according to a recent poll about what Americans know about various religions, you Buddhists are pretty well informed about Christianity, so you probably knew it already.

In which case that info is for all you lapsed Catholics.)