Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Peter And The Museum" Page 7 and 8

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Ooh, so much to comment on!

Ladies and gentlemen, here we have Chekhov's Exhibition of Antique Firearms and Weaponry. Check back later for more insight.

[“It wasn’t white?!” Peter shook his head. “You’re sure?” “Yes I’m sure! I looked right at it!”]

I'm imagining this as a conversation between two white explorers in Africa for the first time. I'm sure I'm going to hell for laughing...

Investigated shark sizes: it's possible for both hammerheads and great whites to be 10ft long. But it'd have to be a fairly small great white and a fairly large hammerhead.

Sharks were around when dinosaurs were around. Dinosaurs aren't here now. Jaws wins. Dinosaur zombies, on the other hand...

Geesq: A goose street gang. What? It worked for squirtles!

daymon34 said...

That smell will probably make Peter jumpy for the rest of his life. Having a bunch of hands reaching for you isn't something you forget.

And yes all those guns would keep Gwen quite happy. I put an internet cookie on the guns being used to stop what ever wakes up.

Um the Mummy's friend said...

You know what would be a cool twist? If the monster was whatever set the curse on the mummy, rather than the mummy himself.

Why is the mummy always the bad guy, huh?!?

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Haha! Nice literary/writing-how-to reference!

Hmmm, maybe I'll change that about the sharks.

I'll give you some points, but I hardly think it's fair making it a three-way brawl between T. Rex, Jaws, and a freakin' asteroid.

daymon34 -
Ha! I'll raise you TWO internet cookies they DON'T!

Um the Mummy's friend -
Usually, the thing that comes back to life is the bad guy.

J.C. and Lazarus excluded.

And Frank, too, although he wasn't exactly a model citizen. He's reformed, though...

V-word: disea. A malady whose incorrect diagnosis is realized halfway through announcing the prognosis.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson, you have a fatal disea...oh, never mind. My bad."