Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Peter And The Museum" Page 2

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

"didn't meet any zombies?" What about the guys from the first story, Peter and the Dead Men?

wv - pheards: common misspelling for a word that means "a beard so long it's scary."

Unknown said...

For once I'm with Dill. Apart from the thing about Mike Myers.

Rubberduck said...

I would say Dill has a point (he was spot on about the dinosaurs, after all), but he and Peter manage to get into situations he doesn't want to talk about just hanging around at home!

Subchipi = A variety of mouse that follows you around under the floorboards. Most instances of squeaking floorboards are acutally a subchipi.

Cat said...

I can't believe I'm actually saying this but yes, Dill definately has a point. Though what are the chances it'll turn out to be something completely different? Maybe the Predators of the Deep display will suck them in, or the reptiles in formaldehyde will come to life... the Mummy might even turn out to help them!

Yeah, I still think Dill has a point :)

WV: autree. A rare type of tree that grows its leaves in autumn, living off the nutrients stored in them over the long winter. It loses what's left of its leaves in spring, ready to start the whole cycle again the next autumn.

daymon34 said...

I would be more worried about the preditors as well, one mummy is bad though just how bad? Though if there is a real curse on the mummy then they could have a big problem.

I like that Dill actually put some thought into why it is a bad idea to go. At least he can be taught, and yes Peter in new places finds new troubles.

Miss said...

Wow - Dill finally seems to be developing some common sense! Mind you, it seems to be easier for him to spot impending danger when it's associated with something he doesn't want to do anyway than with something that looks like fun, but at least it's a start...

WV: hyessess: a controversial creature similar to a reptilian hyena, thought by some to have lived during the cretaceous period, and by others to be the product of paleontologists substituting amphetamines for sleep for long periods of time while trying to assemble spare fossil parts.

MissLynx said...

Weird - it cut my name in half! OpenID login wasn't working for me today, so I did the Name/URL option. But the comment credited to "Miss" above is actually from the commenter normally known as "misslynx".

Um the Muse said...

If we can accept as a given that the boys are going to run into trouble anywhere they go, I think that there best bet is to stick around Gwen or Grandfather.

Hey, did anybody hear about the pharoah's chariot? Apparently, one got stuck at customs in New York for not having a valid VIN. I'm not joking; I heard it on, "Wait, wait, don't tell me!" on NPR.

VW: Mmm, gotta love a good theak and mashed potatoes

Rai said...

Scary as it may be... Dill is probably right. On the other hand, when do we get Peter and the Witch? :D I think that one sounds interesting. And of course witches and ghosts now have to happen, because then Dill gets to say "I told you so!" twice!

Darren said...

Wow, there's some serious commenting going on today!

Anonymous -
Wellllll...the Dead Men were really more like reanimated, charbroiled, pagan killers. To be a real zombie, you've got to eat, want, or say, "Braaaaaaaaiiiiiiiins." Shuffling about slowly helps (unless you are a zombie in a Danny Boyle or Zack Snyder movie).

Apropos of zombies, the largely terrible LAND OF THE LOST movie had one absolutely genius line, about the slow-moving Sleestaks: "They're like zombies. They get you with volume."

I think Dill will quote that movie.

And I think he will LOVE it.

Todd -
No man, read IMDB!

Rubberduck -
True. But it's the difference between the gas oven blowing up at home and going for a walk in a burning oil field.

Cat -
The mummy HELP them? Hmmmm...

daymon34 -
When trying to avoid monsters and school AT THE SAME TIME, Dill can be quite logical.

Miss MissLynx -
You should see what they put together when one prankster slipped "funny mushrooms" on the pizza they ordered!

Um the Muse -
Luckily for them (and us), Gwen will be there!

THAT IS AWESOME. My name for this post is a URL for an article about it, which contains this interesting tidbit about King Tut's chariot:

"This chariot is important because, of the six chariots discovered, this is the only one that showed wear. It is also highly possible that the boy king fell in it, and that injury caused his death. When you see that instead of a floorboard, there was leather strapping that crisscrossed, injuries seem certain to have taken place. The Egyptians had only started using the wheel a hundred years prior to this. The chariot could race upwards to 40 miles per hour."

Several thoughts flitted through my mind:
- Leather straps instead of floors?! Stupid ancient Egyptians.
- They only started using the wheel a hundred years prior to this?! Stupid ancient Egyptians, ignoring the wisdom of the cavemen.
- See kids, you need to practice with your driver's permit before getting on your own leather strap chariot.

Rai -
I think WITCHES will be about 4 stories from now. I think.

GHOSTS will take place...good lord, maybe 10 stories from now. It will be a summertime story, and we're only in January in the Peterverse.

V-word: jeconsc - lesser well-known literary cousin of the Emile Zola letter "J'accuse" ("I accuse"). Literally, "I eat conches."

Darren said...

Wow, there's some serious commenting going on today!

Anonymous -
Wellllll...the Dead Men were really more like reanimated, charbroiled, pagan killers. To be a real zombie, you've got to eat, want, or say, "Braaaaaaaaiiiiiiiins." Shuffling about slowly helps (unless you are a zombie in a Danny Boyle or Zack Snyder movie).

Apropos of zombies, the largely terrible LAND OF THE LOST movie had one absolutely genius line, about the slow-moving Sleestaks: "They're like zombies. They get you with volume."

I think Dill will quote that movie.

And I think he will LOVE it.

Todd -
No man, read IMDB!

Rubberduck -
True. But it's the difference between the gas oven blowing up at home and going for a walk in a burning oil field.

Cat -
The mummy HELP them? Hmmmm...

daymon34 -
When trying to avoid monsters and school AT THE SAME TIME, Dill can be quite logical.

Miss MissLynx -
You should see what they put together when one prankster slipped "funny mushrooms" on the pizza they ordered!

Um the Muse -
Luckily for them (and us), Gwen will be there!

THAT IS AWESOME. See the following URL for an article about it, which contains this interesting tidbit about King Tut's chariot:

"This chariot is important because, of the six chariots discovered, this is the only one that showed wear. It is also highly possible that the boy king fell in it, and that injury caused his death. When you see that instead of a floorboard, there was leather strapping that crisscrossed, injuries seem certain to have taken place. The Egyptians had only started using the wheel a hundred years prior to this. The chariot could race upwards to 40 miles per hour."

Several thoughts flitted through my mind:
- Leather straps instead of floors?! Stupid ancient Egyptians.
- They only started using the wheel a hundred years prior to this?! Stupid ancient Egyptians.
- See kids, you need to practice with your driver's permit before getting on your own leather strap chariot.

Rai -
I think WITCHES will be about 4 stories from now. I think.

GHOSTS will take place...good lord, maybe 10 stories from now. It will be a summertime story, and we're only in January in the Peterverse.

V-word: jeconsc - lesser well-known literary cousin of the Emile Zola letter "J'accuse" ("I accuse"). Literally, "I eat conches."

Darren said...

Wow, there's some serious commenting going on today!

Anonymous -
Wellllll...the Dead Men were really more like reanimated, charbroiled, pagan killers. To be a real zombie, you've got to eat, want, or say, "Braaaaaaaaiiiiiiiins." Shuffling about slowly helps (unless you are a zombie in a Danny Boyle or Zack Snyder movie).

Apropos of zombies, the largely terrible LAND OF THE LOST movie had one absolutely genius line, about the slow-moving Sleestaks: "They're like zombies. They get you with volume."

I think Dill will quote that movie.

And I think he will LOVE it.

Todd -
No man, read IMDB!

Rubberduck -
True. But it's the difference between the gas oven blowing up at home and going for a walk in a burning oil field.

Cat -
The mummy HELP them? Hmmmm...

daymon34 -
When trying to avoid monsters and school AT THE SAME TIME, Dill can be quite logical.

Darren said...

Miss MissLynx -
You should see what they put together when one prankster slipped "funny mushrooms" on the pizza they ordered!

Um the Muse -
Luckily for them (and us), Gwen will be there!

THAT IS AWESOME. See the following URL for an article about it, which contains this interesting tidbit about King Tut's chariot:

"This chariot is important because, of the six chariots discovered, this is the only one that showed wear. It is also highly possible that the boy king fell in it, and that injury caused his death. When you see that instead of a floorboard, there was leather strapping that crisscrossed, injuries seem certain to have taken place. The Egyptians had only started using the wheel a hundred years prior to this. The chariot could race upwards to 40 miles per hour."

Several thoughts flitted through my mind:
- Leather straps instead of floors?! Stupid ancient Egyptians.
- They only started using the wheel a hundred years prior to this?! Stupid ancient Egyptians.
- See kids, you need to practice with your driver's permit before getting on your own leather strap chariot.

Rai -
I think WITCHES will be about 4 stories from now. I think.

GHOSTS will take place...good lord, maybe 10 stories from now. It will be a summertime story, and we're only in January in the Peterverse.

V-word: jeconsc - lesser well-known literary cousin of the Emile Zola letter "J'accuse" ("I accuse"). Literally, "I eat conches."

2nd v-word: quelog. The ship's log kept by Ishmael's tattooed buddy in MOBY DICK.