Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Peter And The Museum" Page 5 and 6

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Mina said...

Oh! I post on the last page and the new one updates! grr. >.<

Creepy skulls are creepy.

WV: kattli

Unknown said...

I really appreciate your knowing how to spell "pharaoh," by the way. I kissed someone for that just last week. (No, no danger here.)

Um the Muse said...

Haha, is Mina right? The mummy's name is Sleeping Beauty? Good thing the mummy is a red herring, otherwise it would kill poor Darren for naming it Aurora.

Speaking of yesterday's comments, Aurora really could want his Pharoah-mummy. That would make the joke 10 times as funny.

Small typo: "I can honestly promise you than..." should have been "that" instead of "than."

Rubberduck said...

My face still has a five-star on it from the strength of the pun-induced facepalm. Good show!

So it looks like the Egyptians were rich. They gave the overhead.


Epirec: A long story you've heard before.

daymon34 said...

Ok so there could be a curse on this mummy, that or there was one on the tomb.

And Dill deserved that pun. And yes puns get either a grown or a chuckle. I chuckled.

Darren said...

Mina -

AND WHAAAA? Where did you translate 'Neferhotep' from? Did you use Google's Pharaoh Translator App?

Todd -
Thank the mighty wonder of spellcheck.

And, um...okay...did the speller go on to spell more complex words?


Um the Muse -
I think Mina is toying with us. There is not way that my badass mummy is named Sleeping Beauty.

Thanks for the typo thing!

Rubberduck -

daymon34 -
Curse on the tomb...hmmm...