Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 77 thru 79

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Yay, discussion of etymology!...I have odd tastes. Still, I remember it was promised and here it is! That makes me happy.

Creatures made of living shadow...FLOODLIGHTS AHOY! Modern technology should completely throw them for a loop.

Like the spooky colonist story! I do enjoy your brand of horror.

Swityi = Old Norse for a hangover of truly epic proportions, and when Vikings get hangovers you know something's gone down. No, not topical at all, why do you ask?

Cat said...

"Her last was Colman," - should that not be "last name"?

Yeah my first thought was bright lights, too. Or fire. Or pitch darkness (would that get rid of shadows or just make everything into one big shadow?). Basically they should research ways to get rid of shadows!

Loving the way Peter's standing up to Grandfather and refusing to be cowed by him. And for once he and Dill haven't done anything stupid, so he has nothing to feel guilty about. Looking forward to learning more about Fallon, though I'd guess Grandfather's not about to tell all!

WV: gedlych. A benign sentient corpse, which shambles around doing good deeds. Having the washing up done is usually appreciated, but less so are the bits of dead skin and decomposing flesh left blocking the plug hole.

Um the Muse said...

Poor gedlych. Gedlych, the friendly zombie.

One could argue that Peter did do something stupid: he went and confronted the villain in his lair? Without weapons or any kind of plan? Does he have a death wish? Methinks all of those questions have the same answer (and it's not "fish").

Still, I'm curious abour Fallon's motive. I'm still going with trap, but I wonder how many moves ahead does he think.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Did I promise discussion of etymology? Huh...well, glad to deliver, anyway.

Cat -
Good catch, thanks.

If Gedlych were in a sitcom, he would try to do something nice, but everybody at the end would go, "Ewwwww, Gedlych!" as they surveyed the bits of dead skin on the newly put-together bike.

And then they'd all laugh along with Gedlych like all good sitcom characters do.

Um the Muse -
Yes, he auditioned along with Wendy and Caspar, but didn't make the cut...

I was actually going to reveal EVERYTHING about Fallon in this story, and then I decided to hold off. The mystery is so much more compelling...