Monday, May 25, 2009

"Peter And The Psycho Trick-Or-Treaters" Pg 2

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

Pleeeeease tell me that you're not going to ruin Samhain for me, please?

The one holiday I actually enjoy.... oh well. I'm still going to keep reading....even though you ruined the mall for me....forever, I seriously had a dream the other night about mannequins. Anyways....

As always, I love your stories. So original and full of yay. Keep up the good works. <3


Anonymous said...

He's not going to ruin it, he's going to change it from the dull candy-grubbing holiday that we've come to know and spook it up a bit so that when that time comes around again, we'll be jumping a little at every shadow we see.

The adrenaline from being a little nervous will hype you up and keep you going from house to house.

I miss the days of spooky Hallowe'en, and wish people would cast aside the idea that it's a day where you can get away with wearing lingerie out in public and claim it's a costume.


Anonymous said...

Well Halloween was a holiday to scare people. So I guess you can say he is going to give a lot of people to be scared again.

I think the sheet will be the least of Dills' worries. I wonder how crazy they will be.

Darren said...

Mia -
You are not alone in worrying about me ruining Halloween. Several readers have expressed that fear. But I have to side with...

N7 that Halloween/Samhain is supposed to be scary, right?
Except, N7, I disagree on the lingerie out in public. I like watching that part of it. However, that will NOT be what Peter and Dill encounter.

You are correct, sir. The sheets will be the LEAST of Dill's problems.