Now would be a good time to press that little button that summons the nurse! Better yet, he could stick his head round the door and yell, "I'm going back down to the morgue!" That'll bring 'em running.
WV: gerello. What you get if you cross a gorilla with jello.
I bet the nurses are in on it. They didn't seemed all that concerned about Peter. I would think professional courtesy would dictate that they at least after his welfare. Granted, Peter was a little forceful in claiming to have seen movement, but I didn't get the impression that they thought that he was crazy or suffering from PTS or anything
PETER AND THE VAMPIRES is a horror/comedy web novel (and a free podcast!)about a normal, 10-year-old kid who moves into a sinister town filled with supernatural horribleness. The series is composed of different "monster of the week" stories - kind of like THE X-FILES crossed with THE SIMPSONS (if Mr. Burns were a ghoul and something terrifying lived in the town dump). "Peter And The Dead Men" is the first story in the collection. A new page is posted every day.
I like that last line,it just sends shivers down the spine. I am guessing Peter is getting an even better effect out of it.
Oh that's not a good sign, hopefully Peter can find a way to jam his door. That will slow it down some.
Now would be a good time to press that little button that summons the nurse! Better yet, he could stick his head round the door and yell, "I'm going back down to the morgue!" That'll bring 'em running.
WV: gerello. What you get if you cross a gorilla with jello.
Eep! Push the other bed in front of the door and call Grandfather! I don't care how mad you are at him he has heavy artillery (sort of)!
Greaaat Pet Cemetery in a Morgue...
And I thought that CLOWNS scared me.
But if HE came back...what about Gus?
I bet the nurses are in on it. They didn't seemed all that concerned about Peter. I would think professional courtesy would dictate that they at least after his welfare. Granted, Peter was a little forceful in claiming to have seen movement, but I didn't get the impression that they thought that he was crazy or suffering from PTS or anything
Kurt -
Yeah, that's an evil line to go out on for the day...
daymon34 -
Cat -
Rai -
True dat.
Mary -
Um the Muse -
I think they're just PO'd...
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