Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Peter And The Helpers" Page 48

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Cat said...

Actually the comment about the bathroom was because Grandfather said he left the room for that, but then he talked about taking several days' worth of food with him when he went to look for his books, implying he'd be travelling in there for several days. In which case, no time to pop out to the loo! Though now it sounds like he wasn't in there that long after all.

And somehow I just *knew* Dill had only seen the Narnia films, not read the books :D

Rubberduck said...

Did...did Dill just break the fourth wall? Because I think your books have gotten better over time!

I like how different Grandfather's response to the fairy world is so different from, for example, Lucy's. She goes, "Wow, this is incredible!" and he goes, "This is pretty horrible and I want my books back. No, I'm not going to explore, I might get lost."

Much more sensible in my opinion.

Cavalyhe = An elven prince renowned for the strength of his lance. And also his jousting prowess.

Um the Muse said...

Slight typo: "Grandfather leaned back in his chair [and] continued the story," is missing an and.

Grandfather's situation is different from Lucy's. Lucy didn't get along well with her siblings, and she had nothing else tying her to the real world. More importantly, she was not trying to follow some large, mischevious beastie through the rabbithole. And, of course, she's more Peter's age than Grandfather's.

Grandfather's plan was faulty, too: the beasty came upon his stack of books in the middle of the darkness somehow. Therefore, this critter could presumably find their way to the portal, and become a big nuisance--or worse.

VW: trolsi. Exactly like it sounds; a big troll infestation. I recommend burning that bridge before you cross it.

daymon34 said...

Yeah that could be how the narnia books got inspired. And the only way to get back would be to mark the way some how. Yeah I don't think I would have left the cave very far behind either.

Xirena said...

Ooo, Now I can't wait to find out what followed Grandfather back throught the tunnel.

Ok, so Baby Xirena, also known as Elizabeth, is (obviously) a girl, she looks EXACTLY like her father (poor thing), she is now 4 months old and weighs 16lbs 6oz at 25" tall. She is quite adorable. She is healthy as a horse and has a temperment that is nothing like the Beth of this story, my Elizabeth is a sweet little darling that only cries if something is wrong. Honest. No, I am not being sarcastic. I hit the baby jackpot! =)

Darren said...

Cat -
Ah-haaaaaaa! Didn't think about that...

I believe Dill is going to have to bring that up now...

Rubberduck -
I just went back and read that page to see what you meant - ahahahahahaha! That would have been awesome if I meant it that way! However, no, he just meant Grandfather's tale of the tunnel.

Yes, Grandfather is a pragmatist. And cranky.

Um the Muse -

Yes, true on all counts, but we know that Narnia was made up, whereas Grandfather's account is TRUE.

daymon34 -
You are a Grandfather in the making.

Xirena -
You won't liiiiiike it...

Yay! You DO know Beth's real name is ElizeBETH, right?

Yay for Baby Xirena! (That is how I shall refer to Beth 2 from now on.) And I'm glad she's a good baby.

Perhaps Beth in this story is HER evil doppelganger.