Friday, June 19, 2009

"Peter & The Psycho Trick-Or-Treaters" Pg 21

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


AnakMoon said...

Why couldn't grandfather of been just 5 min quicker? He could have grabbed them as they ran out the door.
Although... do they have a ...sense... about grandfather, do they know where he is and when to leave..?

And i wasn't sure if you have a section for fan art, but i just couldn't get the idea out of my head and I'm horrible at drawing chibi but here is my attempt at it :D

Anonymous said...

Haha, that's an amazing picture AnakMoon. I think it perfectly captures the scene, especially Sack-Head's pain.

I ebt the Trick-or-Treaters do have a sense when Grandfather is or isn't around though, they knew he wasn't there when they first showed up after all.


Alex said...

Chibi non-X-men, run away!

Darren said...

AnakMoon -
That's great! I'm going to post it, if that's okay with you!

Rai -
Good point about the ESGP - Extra-Sensory Grandfather Perception...

Alex -
...and live to fight another day!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is a funny picture. And at least Beth did some pain to him, he is still not moving right.

I wonder what Grandpa knows about those little nasties.