Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Peter And The Helpers" Page 15 and 16

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

"He slowed down, his breath wheezing in his throat, heart thudding in his chest, his half-healed feet screaming at him in agony."

I like that you included this for continuity.

Anonymous said...

W-Wha? I am actually all caught up?
SWEET, kinda, I mean I love having multiple chapters to read but I also like to be a part of the discussion sometimes. The material between my reading hiatus and now has been excellent as always, and the black time warp doorway acrobatics sound so fun, I can totally see myself doing the exact same thing! In fact I am jealous of the boys for that experience -_-


Cat said...

Wow, whatever's come through the doorway has had, like, a week of room time to prepare! They've raised an army, or spent ages practising their mad psychic killing powers, or all the small skrr-ing things have somehow morphed into one super-bad thing, or they've sent off for the biggest, baddest, evilest Dark Room creature imaginable! lol the possibilities are endless :D

daymon34 said...

If Peter messed his pants I don't think Dill would ever let him live it down. Hopefully this thing is going to be freindly, still a room with it's own time is strange.

Ok back and all caught up again.

Rai said...

Ah! No! I was thinking all the way till the last paragraph, "Oh good, the R.O.U.S.s won't be coming through." But they have!! At least Grandfather is home to help them out this time. Unless he inconveniently decides to leave. D:

Unknown said...

Either this got the mother of all updates, or I only read halfway down the page last night. Either way, eek.

Darren said...

Todd -
Glad you liked it! It definitely should be in there.

Xirena -
Howdy! Welcome, and glad you're caught up!

Haha - I would LOVE to have a crazy time warp to play in...

Cat -
Yep - 10 hours, at least.

Maybe it will be a tiny sneezing panda...or a welsh korgi puppy...

...although probably not.

daymon34 -
NO WAY would Dill EVER let him live it down!

Rai -
Yeah, but you think the boys want GF to know where the R.O.U.S.s come from? Nooooooooooooooo.

Todd -
I think you read only halfway down...unless my own evil twin was messing with the update while my back was turned...