Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Peter And The Helpers" Page 20

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

I was the only one at my school who did that with glue. I remember two times it backfired on me, but that is better suited to the awkward cocktail party after the Peter and the Vampires North America book signing.

Cat said...

Yay for optimism! Apart from there's bound to be a price... there's always a price.

How isolated is Peter's room again? He's been doing a lot of yelling... By the way, I love his reaction as to why he's healed: "Did Dill BITE me?" lol

WV: Mosys. A great prophet, little-remembered today. Perhaps his habit of hearing voices from burning patches of moss undermined his credibility somewhat, as everyone knew moss was too damp to spontaneously combust.

Mina said...

I... I want to smell that stuff now >-<
It sounds like a nice smell...
ANYWAYS... Haha, "Did Dill bite me!"
Oh peter, I love you... (Umm, that sounded weird.)


Um the Muse said...

Yay, maybe Peter really did finally catch a break.

So, what healed him? I'm going to go with either something that looks like a leech (the crazy Medievel doctors were right!) with legs or nanobots from the future (nanobots from the past would just be weird ;p).

Bushinge: A special hinge that is made especially for buses. They are purposely made to make loud noises so that half-awake people can find their way unto the bus. Unfortunately, since they are located on the side of the door, it's hit-and-miss whether the commuter makes it on his/her first try, "hit being the operating word here.

Seaspray said...

Um, it's not that weird if time is cyclical or something odd

VW : Daplic

The sound rain makes when instantly frozen before contact with a hard surface

daymon34 said...

Well that was nice of them, and they can heal frostbite pretty well. Maybe Grandpa uses them to heal up when he gets badly hurt.

Still there is a problem with these things, that or they are quite scary looking.

Anonymous said...

I've been catching up tonight and the last line on Page 17 caught my imagination, "Mom didn’t know all the details about that last part, but the food poisoning was enough to make her avoid Fu ManChow’s Chinese Takeout for months afterwards."

If you go to, search for:
'chinese cat food song', then watch/listen to the SECOND search result, you'll see why.

I've always liked Asian food; this selection (YouTube) bothers me. I came across it very innocently. Chinese restaurants will never be the same to me.

Darren said...

Todd -
Hahaha! God willing, I will get to hear that story SOON.

Cat -
True dat. "There is ALWAYS a price."

In fact, I might just incorporate that into the story...

He's fairly isolated - probably 50 feet away from anybody else, with a big wooden door to his room...although I guess I should remember that the screaming would probably be noticed. Good point.

Mina -
I wouldn't mind having one of those plug-in deodorizer thingees with that scent, either.

It's okay. AnakMoon loves Grandfather.

Um the Muse -
Nanobots from the future! I like it.

Seaspray -
Cyclical time! I like it even more! Nanobots from the past it is!

daymon34 -
To quote Cat, "There is always a price."

Jeff -
Did you mean the one with the animated version?

Incidentally, Peking Moon was down the street from Fu ManChow's and got closed down for one too many health violations. It was rumored that cats were disappearing from back alleys behind Peking Moon, but now we know that was Kyle and company before they moved on to cattle.

Secondly incidentally (secondentally?), I dated a Vietnamese girl once. A colleague of hers (an older white dude who was going bald, and who was VERY sensitive about it) teased her every time their business group went to lunch at a nearby Asian restaurant. He kept telling her that she should have the cat "since that's what your people eat."

She tried to deflect his comments nicely at first (she was a sweetheart) by pointing out Vietnamese cuisine has never contained cat, but he kept repeating his joke over months and months until she was ready to kill him.

That's when I suggested she fight fire with fire.

The next time they ate there and he repeated the "you should try the cat" joke, she replied sweetly,

"Actually, YOU should try it! 'My people' say it makes hair grow on your head."

Dude NEVER EVER told that joke again.

Um the Muse said...

So that's the secret to the Vietnamese' thick full hair! LOL!

You know, though, lots of scientists seem to think that we need a lot more diversity in our diets....

Anonymous said...

Something supernatural that's actually being HELPFUL? In Peter's world? Oh, there's got to be a catch to that...

My best guess is some kind of house fairies - accordingly to folklore, they can be very helpful, but they also get offended very easily if you mistreat them, or break any of various taboos you may not even know about.

BTW, your story about the Vietnamese girl's response to the racist jackass is made of win.

WV: nickli: Russian slang for a small child who engages in petty theft.