Friday, August 27, 2010

"Peter And The Helpers" Page 21

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Post #700, y'all!

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Is it wrong that I found myself checking over the maths puzzles?

Hooray! Enjoy your triumph while it lasts, Peter, because you KNOW this'll turn into a bad thing somehow. If nothing else at the next test when you don't have Doc Brownies helping you.

RALAR: RAdio Love novels And Ranging. A moderately successful channel with voice actors chosen for that certain...chocolatey quality, offering the best and latest, or indeed most timeless and classic, audiobook raunchiness. Or so I've heard.

Seaspray said...

hmm... anyone ever hear the one about the guy who went to heaven, got bored as it was too perfect, asked to go to hell as he thought it would be more interesting and was then told he was there already?

Still, he better hope the helpers aren't any kind of fairy, Brownie or Kobold... They're way too easy to annoy and then get vicious

Eldoran said...

When I read the Title of this book, it already screamed Heinzelmännchen (of Cologne) to me. But judging by Peter's luck, there has to be some sort of catch, like in Rumpelstiltskin. After all there has to be some kind of (perceived) danger Peter stumbled upon in the story. Of course I can think of at least 10 completely different variants of how the catch might look like, but that would be pure speculation at this point.

Mary said...

Homework done...but at what cost?

Mina said...

I would be happy if someone/thing did my home work for me but I would be more creeped out.

A new type of potting soil that claims will make your plants double in size. But what they don't advertise is that it also gives them a craving for meat...

Um the Muse said...

I'm pretty sure that the constitution was ratified before 1987 ;)

I found it interesting that these little helpers looked up all these facts. Are they trying to perfect the world, perhaps? Whatever is going on, they were able to somehow understand the textbooks and in the context of homework.

Btw, is it sad that I learned stuff from Peter's assignments?

Oh yeah, @Seaspray: I think the story you mentioned was on the Twilight Zone.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Nerdy Nerd McNerdmeister! Fraction lover Nerdomancer!

...uh...they were all correct, right?

Seaspray -
If I'm going to hell, I hope it's like that guy's version. That was a much more pleasant version than the one I grew up hearing about.

Eldoran -
Welcome back!

Haha - I have a question, Eldoran: you are incredibly well-versed in all sorts of crazy stuff. I'd never even HEARD of the Heinzelmannchen. Kobolds yes, Heinzelmannchen no. Are you an avid reader of everything, or are you just a specialist in fantasy- and folklore-based stuff? Just curious.

For everyone else, there are Heinzelmannchen song lyrics on Wikipedia, and several recorded versions on Youtube. (I like the one with the girls. Mostly because there are girls.)

I hereby declare the Heinzelmannchen song the official song of PETER AND THE HELPERS.

Sing it with me!

Wie war zu Cölln es doch vordem
mit Heinzelmännchen so bequem!
Denn war man faul, ... man legte sich
hin auf die Bank und pflegte sich!

Mary -
You need to scream to the heavens when you say that. And clutch at your hair, tear your clothing, that sort of thing.


I'll tell what the cost is, Mary. Your SOUL, that's what.

Mina -
Mina knows the cost, everyone.


Um the Muse -
No, no, it was that OTHER Constitution. And I think it was Sam Adams, the beer, that was introduced in 1987...

Thanks, Um. Good catch!

Not at all. I heartily recommend to everyone that you rent the HBO Series JOHN ADAMS, which inspired the history lesson in this story. I hated colonial American history and thought it was BOOOOO-RIIIIIING until I watched the mini-series.

And fungus...well, it's just about the most underappreciated of ALL the kingdoms.

But fractions...ew.