Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Peter And The Helpers" Page 18

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

"Well, not in WESTERN medicine, no, but there's this funky little Alternative Healing place down the street from where I live where it's on a poster."

I might have stayed in Georgia, had I known about funky little alternative healing places down there. Or restaurants that served unsweetened tea.

Cat said...

Which is worse, unfinished homework or an inexplicable room filled with ominous sounds...? I see the inevitability of Peter's conclusion :D

By the way, a couple of possible typos: "She kept snapping photos of Beth with her phone and busting up laughing, which caused Beth to ham it up even more eat great gobs of lasagna in her fists." I think the "busting" should be "bursting", as in "with/into laughter", and the second part maybe "*by eating* great gobs of lasagne *with* her fists", or eating the lasagne in her fists. Also later it says Peter ate his spaghetti and meatballs - wouldn't he be having lasagne like everyone else?

Unknown said...

Nope. His mom got take out italian. If peter wanted Spaghetti and Meatballs then it'd be fine.

And Busting up with laughter is valid. *grin* Generally it means you are laughing so much you might bust. Kind of similar to "bust a gut".

daymon34 said...

Looks like Peter forgot his homework, any bets on it all being finished by morning? Hopefully they are nice helpers and not nasty ones. Still the problem there is not actually learning anything.

Mina said...

Weird noises or not, I would use the room for homework if it saved me from getting a fail.

Rubberduck said...

Prediction - Peter uses the room just before he has to give his homework back in order to get everything done on time. In the process he comes face to face with THE HORROR that inevitably waits in the dark, which is ironically called a Helper even though it'll only help you make all your other problems look small by comparison.

Question - how does Dill explain his healing factor to his family? I mean, he MUST have had some bumps and bruises while he's been there, even if it's just tussling over the remote.

Resse = A knockoff candy brand from Singapore. Don't eat it!

Cat said...

Ah yes, I'd forgotten that it was takeaway when I mentioned the spaghetti - oops :P OK the busting bit might just be an Americanism that sounds weird to me, but the eat-lasagne-in-fists bit still stands lol :D

I want to see how helpful these "helpers" are!

Darren said...

Todd -
I was mentally still in Los Angeles when I wrote that, thinking of Thai Town and some of its mysterious little storefronts...

Georgia just has Waffle House.

Cat -
Homework. Homework, by far.

Good call on the 'with her fists' part. But I have to agree with Thrantor on the rest...

Thrantor -
Hola, sir!

Yep, it's takeout.

Americanism or no, I gotta go with Thrantor on 'busted,' 'busting,' and 'bust a gut.' Just like I gotta go with 'gotta.'

daymon34 -
How much are you wagering?

Mina -
But what about the weird things MAKING the weird noises?

Rubberduck -
Hmmmmmmmmm...pretty good premise...

As for Dill's family, they really, REALLY never pay attention to him. It's sad...except when you want to conceal lycanthropy.

Cat -
'Takeaway'! Next you'll be talking about Peter's 'trainers'!

Oh, you crazy Brits...

Wait...or are you an Aussie?

Or Canadian?

Oh, you crazy British Empire-ers...

V-Word: faupper - a dandily dressed poseur who has recently lost all his money. faux + fop + pauper.

ALSO: A poor half man, half goat. "Mr. Tumnus after he lost all his worldly belongings in the Ice Queen's foreclosure courts." Only applies in Narnia.