Yes, I understand that Grandfather is just trying to protect them by keeping everything hidden, but I can see that it wont do much good.
With the boys constantly running into things beyond their control [Vampires, Swamp Monsters, etc.] They need to know how to protect themselves instead of just blindly going up against them, which is what they'd do.
The man is old and can't always be there to protect Peter, Melissa and Beth, so he needs to pass along this information as soon as possible.
That's just what I think.
Oh and if I was Dill, I would prepare the whole year then get back at those freaks for stealing my candy. I would probably get Beth to assist me. She's pretty bad ass.
Aw. I actually feel kind of bad for Dill. I mean, before they at least had the candy to look forward to at the end of it all. If I were mom I'd probably go to the store and buy the after Halloween sale candy for the boys. :)
Now... I fell the same way, being overly annoyed when they [read Grandfather] wont tell them [read Peter and Dill] the dangers and try to keep everyone safe.
But then you have to stop and think for a moment.
OK moment over.
Now realize that if grandfather would have told Peter the truth, we wouldn't be reading this story. It would be a different story about a small boy with too much knowledge and an overwhelming and over burdening need to protect his family. So he would be going out looking for these foes rather then being an innocent little boy who is just beginning to grow and realize that the world isn't all halloween candy and bike rides.
Ditto what AnakMoon said. It's way funner that way (though I suppose Harry Potter was a lot like that, and it was still fun....hmmm). On a completely different topic, while I don't usually mind cliffhangers (especially the one from Dead Men, hehe), I think I've got to get this one out of my system. So, here goes: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!1!!one1!!!!! nononononononononono, no. Whew, done. ~Um_the_Muse
I'll reply to everybody's notes later in the day, but I had to give AnakMoon mad props.
She hit it right on the head: if I revealed what the secret is right now, it becomes a very different kind of story.
And, the sneaky writer corollary to that is, if I told you what the secret was now, you guys probably wouldn't be nearly as invested in the stories.
Look at it this way: I think of these stories as a television season. DEAD MEN was a two-parter because of its length; so was VAMPIRES, SWAMP MONSTER, and MANNEQUINS. PSYCHOS and CHANGELING were each single "episodes." So CARNIVAL OF EVIL will be basically the 11th and 12 episodes of the first season, and WEREWOLVES after it will wrap up Season 1 (in my mind, anyway - we're on FX's and SHOWTIME's episode allotment of 13-14 shows, instead of NBC and ABC's normal 22-26).
If people knew all about the alien and government conspiracy in X-FILES by episode 13, would anybody have hung around for another 8 seasons? (Arguably, they SHOULDN'T have hung around past Season 5, but whatever.) If Joss Whedon told you who the Big Bad was in the first couple of episodes of BUFFY each season, would people have enjoyed it as much? If America knew without a doubt who would win presidential elections a year ahead of time, would anybody bother to vote?
Mysteries are fun. Sometimes annoying, sometimes enraging, but definitely compelling (if they're done well...and hopefully I'm on the right track here).
Add to this fact that I KIND of know what Peter's up against...but I'm not 100% sure. Probably not even 70% sure. I haven't worked out all the details yet.
But trust me, what I've got planned already is pretty awful. Knowing what I know, if I were in his shoes, I definitely wouldn't want to find out until I absolutely had to.
Of course, if I WERE Peter and didn't know what I know, I'd be screaming to find out RIGHT NOW. Just like you guys.
Well i hope i didn't give any one a head ache! HAHAH..get it.. hit it on the head.. funny? yeah? i know..
But as Um_the_Muse said, or kinda, if Peter knew what was happening and who the bad guy was we would basically be reading Harry Potter. Gramps = Albus - Peter = Harry - Dill = Ron - Melissa = Dursley's {in complete denial}
In stories where you know who the bad guy is, at least for me, i want them to just get to the end and beat the bad guy. But if you don't know who or what it is, you cant wait to find out what happens next, not how does it all end...
I dunno about the Harry Potter analogy - there was a lot that Dumbledore didn't tell Harry, especially at first, so you just think "Why didn't he save everyone the hassle and *tell* him what was going on?!" Like what happened with the fifth book for example - someone wouldn't have died if Harry knew how he could be tricked. Just a misplaced attempt to protect someone on the part of Dumbledore, much like Grandfather trying to protect Peter by not telling him.
But then, that's the benefit of hindsight. You know afterwards that if you'd just *told* people what was going on, rather than expecting them to do what you want without knowing why, then things would have been better; but afterwards is too late.
And you're all right - it wouldn't be the same story, and it wouldn't be very realistic, since most people wouldn't want to tell that sort of information if they didn't think they had to. It still doesn't stop the readers from screaming "tell him!", much like shouting "behind you!" at a pantomime :D
Cat has a very good point. I, too, remember thinking all the time, "Why doesn't Dumbledore just TELL him? And tell him EVERYTHING?" I forgot about that.
Of course, it's to keep you on the edge of your seat.
I suppose if I have to be annoying in my stories, I could do worse than to emulate HARRY POTTER...
Thanks to everybody for the cool comments. I loves me the interaction - and we've set a record for most in one day! (Although, I have to admit, a good handful of them are mine.)
Just a quick response to the people I missed earlier...
MistyCat - Thanks! Quotation marks - dangit, I knew I was missing something!
daymon34 - Hope springs eternal! But I can assure all of you, no new information in the next two stories, so just sit back and enjoy the creepiness.
Rai - Ha ha! Mom's not THAT grateful to Dill! Maybe in the morning...who knows...
Cari - No sequel to the Halloween story for another year in Peter's time. Considering that it took us a year in real time to cover about two months of Peter time, well...expect another visit from the Psychos in about six years.
Maybe less.
I can guarantee you, though, they WILL be back. With the Boss.
Um the Muse - The cliffhanger where we don't know who the Psychos are or what "One More Year" means? I'm guessing that's why the NOOOOOOO's...
todd - I think you're right. I can see it on a t-shirt...
Alex - Thank you! Yeah, part of me feels like I hit a high-water mark here that's going to be hard to top. Short, brutal, creepy, intense, mysterious, and hopefully a lot of fun. Although I must say, CARNIVAL is one of my very favorites, too...the villains are great fun, in my opinion...
PETER AND THE VAMPIRES is a horror/comedy web novel (and a free podcast!)about a normal, 10-year-old kid who moves into a sinister town filled with supernatural horribleness. The series is composed of different "monster of the week" stories - kind of like THE X-FILES crossed with THE SIMPSONS (if Mr. Burns were a ghoul and something terrifying lived in the town dump). "Peter And The Dead Men" is the first story in the collection. A new page is posted every day.
- Darren
Yes, I understand that Grandfather is just trying to protect them by keeping everything hidden, but I can see that it wont do much good.
With the boys constantly running into things beyond their control [Vampires, Swamp Monsters, etc.] They need to know how to protect themselves instead of just blindly going up against them, which is what they'd do.
The man is old and can't always be there to protect Peter, Melissa and Beth, so he needs to pass along this information as soon as possible.
That's just what I think.
Oh and if I was Dill, I would prepare the whole year then get back at those freaks for stealing my candy. I would probably get Beth to assist me. She's pretty bad ass.
Darren, I've had a little play on your page 22 with writing links.
Thee's a single line "template" there you might find useful.
<a href="http://Your URL replaces these italics/">Your Text Here</a>
Poor Dill he had his candy stolen as well. And had the others all worried that something else trully bad had happened.
Oh well no new answers, but I didn't think Grandpa would give out more than he had to. But there was hoping.
Aw. I actually feel kind of bad for Dill. I mean, before they at least had the candy to look forward to at the end of it all. If I were mom I'd probably go to the store and buy the after Halloween sale candy for the boys. :)
oh that was a short one! are we going to get to see a sequel here in a few months?
Now... I fell the same way, being overly annoyed when they [read Grandfather] wont tell them [read Peter and Dill] the dangers and try to keep everyone safe.
But then you have to stop and think for a moment.
OK moment over.
Now realize that if grandfather would have told Peter the truth, we wouldn't be reading this story. It would be a different story about a small boy with too much knowledge and an overwhelming and over burdening need to protect his family. So he would be going out looking for these foes rather then being an innocent little boy who is just beginning to grow and realize that the world isn't all halloween candy and bike rides.
Ditto what AnakMoon said. It's way funner that way (though I suppose Harry Potter was a lot like that, and it was still fun....hmmm).
On a completely different topic, while I don't usually mind cliffhangers (especially the one from Dead Men, hehe), I think I've got to get this one out of my system. So, here goes:
nononononononononono, no.
Whew, done.
I'll reply to everybody's notes later in the day, but I had to give AnakMoon mad props.
She hit it right on the head: if I revealed what the secret is right now, it becomes a very different kind of story.
And, the sneaky writer corollary to that is, if I told you what the secret was now, you guys probably wouldn't be nearly as invested in the stories.
Look at it this way: I think of these stories as a television season. DEAD MEN was a two-parter because of its length; so was VAMPIRES, SWAMP MONSTER, and MANNEQUINS. PSYCHOS and CHANGELING were each single "episodes." So CARNIVAL OF EVIL will be basically the 11th and 12 episodes of the first season, and WEREWOLVES after it will wrap up Season 1 (in my mind, anyway - we're on FX's and SHOWTIME's episode allotment of 13-14 shows, instead of NBC and ABC's normal 22-26).
If people knew all about the alien and government conspiracy in X-FILES by episode 13, would anybody have hung around for another 8 seasons? (Arguably, they SHOULDN'T have hung around past Season 5, but whatever.) If Joss Whedon told you who the Big Bad was in the first couple of episodes of BUFFY each season, would people have enjoyed it as much? If America knew without a doubt who would win presidential elections a year ahead of time, would anybody bother to vote?
Mysteries are fun. Sometimes annoying, sometimes enraging, but definitely compelling (if they're done well...and hopefully I'm on the right track here).
Add to this fact that I KIND of know what Peter's up against...but I'm not 100% sure. Probably not even 70% sure. I haven't worked out all the details yet.
But trust me, what I've got planned already is pretty awful. Knowing what I know, if I were in his shoes, I definitely wouldn't want to find out until I absolutely had to.
Of course, if I WERE Peter and didn't know what I know, I'd be screaming to find out RIGHT NOW. Just like you guys.
But then you find out, and...
Some things you're better off not knowing.
"Some things you're better off not knowing."
That sounds like a slogan for the series. And suggests Dill is the best off of all!
Well i hope i didn't give any one a head ache!
HAHAH..get it.. hit it on the head.. funny? yeah? i know..
But as Um_the_Muse said, or kinda, if Peter knew what was happening and who the bad guy was we would basically be reading Harry Potter.
Gramps = Albus - Peter = Harry - Dill = Ron - Melissa = Dursley's {in complete denial}
In stories where you know who the bad guy is, at least for me, i want them to just get to the end and beat the bad guy. But if you don't know who or what it is, you cant wait to find out what happens next, not how does it all end...
I dunno about the Harry Potter analogy - there was a lot that Dumbledore didn't tell Harry, especially at first, so you just think "Why didn't he save everyone the hassle and *tell* him what was going on?!" Like what happened with the fifth book for example - someone wouldn't have died if Harry knew how he could be tricked. Just a misplaced attempt to protect someone on the part of Dumbledore, much like Grandfather trying to protect Peter by not telling him.
But then, that's the benefit of hindsight. You know afterwards that if you'd just *told* people what was going on, rather than expecting them to do what you want without knowing why, then things would have been better; but afterwards is too late.
And you're all right - it wouldn't be the same story, and it wouldn't be very realistic, since most people wouldn't want to tell that sort of information if they didn't think they had to. It still doesn't stop the readers from screaming "tell him!", much like shouting "behind you!" at a pantomime :D
Cat has a very good point. I, too, remember thinking all the time, "Why doesn't Dumbledore just TELL him? And tell him EVERYTHING?" I forgot about that.
Of course, it's to keep you on the edge of your seat.
I suppose if I have to be annoying in my stories, I could do worse than to emulate HARRY POTTER...
Okay, okay.
You win.
I guess I just like being informed on what can actually hurt what I'd be up against. [I hear rock salt does alot of damage to alot of things.]
Oh, N7, you should still keep your opinion and voice it loudly. I'm just being contrary cuz I know I can't tell you anything without spoiling the fun.
It's a lot more enjoyable to argue over things like this!
I love how the creepiest story thus far has the funniest ending yet.
Thanks to everybody for the cool comments. I loves me the interaction - and we've set a record for most in one day! (Although, I have to admit, a good handful of them are mine.)
Just a quick response to the people I missed earlier...
MistyCat -
Thanks! Quotation marks - dangit, I knew I was missing something!
daymon34 -
Hope springs eternal! But I can assure all of you, no new information in the next two stories, so just sit back and enjoy the creepiness.
Rai -
Ha ha! Mom's not THAT grateful to Dill! Maybe in the morning...who knows...
Cari -
No sequel to the Halloween story for another year in Peter's time. Considering that it took us a year in real time to cover about two months of Peter time, well...expect another visit from the Psychos in about six years.
Maybe less.
I can guarantee you, though, they WILL be back. With the Boss.
Um the Muse -
The cliffhanger where we don't know who the Psychos are or what "One More Year" means? I'm guessing that's why the NOOOOOOO's...
todd -
I think you're right. I can see it on a t-shirt...
Alex -
Thank you! Yeah, part of me feels like I hit a high-water mark here that's going to be hard to top. Short, brutal, creepy, intense, mysterious, and hopefully a lot of fun. Although I must say, CARNIVAL is one of my very favorites, too...the villains are great fun, in my opinion...
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