Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 54

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Cat said...

There seems to be a problem with the "previous page" and "next page" buttons. On page 53, when you click the "next page" button it just reloads page 53. If you click on the link for page 54 it comes up fine, but if you click on the "previous page" button at the bottom it takes you back to page 52 and skips page 53. Maybe it's one of those things that'll fx itself, but I thought I'd mention it :)

Hahah when it said Dark Peter was doing a replay of the day the Gingerbread men attacked (sounds like a B-movie title!) my first thought was that he was running to Frank to convince him that Normal Peter was in fact the evil twin!

WV: mocksout. A western attempt at replicating an ancient and secret Chinese ceremonial costume.

Darren said...

Cat -
Thanks! No, that was just operator error...but I appreciate you letting me know! It should be fixed now.

That actually would be an awesome ascene, to have Frank turn out to be a threat again as he mistakes Good Peter for Bad Peter. Buuuuut I can tell you, it's not in this story...