Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 55

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Rai said...

*sigh* if only he had the standard evil twin goatee, then there would never be this mistaken identity stuff. In other news, he only had about 20 shots, and he's used quite a few already so hopefully he runs out of ammo.

Unfortunately when this all ends and daddy figures out what Gwen's been doing with the paintball guns I don't think she'll ever hunt again.

Eldoran said...

Remember the gun switch? Peter only had about 20 the Doubleganger had about 50...

Rai said...


Oh no! I had forgotten! We're in trouble. I still hold that this would never happen if Peter's evil twin had a goatee.

Cat said...

He's too young for a goatee, that's the problem. Maybe if he succeeds in getting rid of Good Peter he'll grow an evil goatee when he grows up...

daymon34 said...

Boy is Dark Peter really going on a spree, first causes a nasty wreck and now mass panic. I think that will be the most damage any one creature has caused so far.

Now where is Jenkins, he might actually be useful if he catches Dark Peter at least.

Darren said...

Rai -
Actually, there's about 50 in the Doppelganger's gun...only about 20 in Good Peter's.

I think you may be right about Mr. Wainwright.

Eldoran -

Rai -
Give him another 5 years or so...

Cat -
Or dress all in black, with sunglasses, a turtleneck, and call everybody "daddy-o."

daymon34 -