Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Peter and the Crazies" Chapter 10

Chapter 10

"In which Dr. Prescott freaks OUT."

#1) The new "Buy An Ebook" date is May 25th!

Wednesday, 5/25/11!

That's right. That's the Big Launch Day. Make your preparations to buy a book - all three if you can afford it, VAMPIRES if you can only afford 99 cents!

If you've already purchased the books, that's cool, don't worry, I am super stoked you bought them! And if you are behind - like, you missed half of the stories - and you can't wait any longer or you will pee your pants like Dill, go ahead, you have my blessing.

But if you haven't bought any yet, please buy at least VAMPIRES on May 25th!

It will help enormously to push the book into the top 1000 (or top 100? Do I dare hope?!) of Kindle, which will give it more exposure, and hopefully more people will buy it!

Which means YOU will get more updates and books...and faster.

And if you have a Nook (, that's cool - I love Nook, too. Buy it on Nook - but if you have neither, download Amazon's free Kindle app for your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android phone, or Windows phone and buy the ebooks off Amazon.

More info to follow. MAY 25TH! That's the Big Day!


Update 1.5:

By the way, Jim Zoetewey was the first guy to put PETER AND THE VAMPIRES on the Web Fiction Guide three years ago. (My thanks to Eldoran and others for their positive reviews on that site, too.) Jim's got a fiction, story-based blog of his own (much like how I did PETER) about modern-day superheroes at , which he's planning to self-publish in the months ahead.

Drop on by and give the story a read - it seems pretty cool! And thanks, Jim, for helping me get the word out back in the day!

Update 1.75:

By the way, Amy D.C. busted out some awesome drawings I wanted to share with you guys. I think there's a certain antler-chewing li'l dude down in the second one...and I especially love how Dill looks in the second! Actually, Gwen and the werewolf are pretty awesome, too...

Thanks, Amy! Awesome pictures!

Click to embiggen:

#2) I hate Google Groups, however.

I will try to send updates out through Gmail. If they slap me for BCC'ing everybody (I assumed you might not want your emails revealed to all the world - this IS a Secret Society, after all), which they regard as Spam, I will try Google Groups again.

But I hate it.

I have attached Chapters 8, 9, and 10. This is not normal, but so many people missed 9 because of my ineptitude with Google Groups, I have included them all.


#3) If you are reading this off the blog, are part of the Secret Society, and have not received 8, 9, or 10 (all three will be attached in the #10 email), then please email me at peterandthevampires(at symbol goes here) and I'll set you up.


#4) If you would still like to join the Secret Society, just email me at peterandthevampires(at symbol goes here) and put NEW MEMBER in the subject line. This will help me see you and get you set up faster.


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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

A-heh heh heh. Was I the only one who got Mojo Jojo vibes from Prescott when he kept going on about the Group Therapy Room?

Maybe it's because I read Chapters 9 and 10 together, but I liked the way you've set up the contrast between Dr. V., who's calm and in control but not trusted, and Prescott, who's slowly losing it and IS trusted...for now at least.

Saist = Irish word for rain, or at least a particular type of rain. It's like eskimos and snow, though that they have 50 words for it is an oversimplification.

Eldoran said...

I almost expected a "How do we make you feel?" from Peter as the last lime.

@Darren: Technically, I have never written a review about "Peter and the Vampires" on Web Fiction Guide. I felt that I couldn't add anything that wasn't mentioned in the other reviews. I did give the appropriate ratings however.

Um the Muse said...

I hadn't gotten the original chapter 9, but hadn't realized it. Reading chapter 10 before ch 9 was a little weird, lol. It more or less worked, but going back to 9 made it waaay better :)

I think that Dr. V's look-see of the phonesy-wonseys was a little suspicious, too. What? He checked one and not the other? He couldn't possibly have been sending a text message, could he?

Still, he seems to be on the boys' side again (and Gwen's for the first time, obviously). He did give that cryptic warning.

Cat said...

Typo: Prescott raced alone. “We are completely safe." - Raced along, maybe?

Wow he's sooo losing it. I find it quite amusing, but if I was one of the kids I'd be sh****ng myself lol. Interesting coincidence that there are three chairs, considering they don't seem the kind of chairs that are easily movable...

I agree about the phones. Highly suspicious, even if he'd looked at both. Only looking at one? It's a conspiracy, I tell you!

WV: buslychw. A special form of transport for the restless dead. Primarily used in Wales.

Todd said...

If a certain somebody hadn't tried to kill the kids, I'd think the wrong doctor were in the crazy suit behind the crazy bars.

Eldoran said...

About the phones... he BUILT those, so there is a lot of things that could be caused by that.

SMS is a good bet, disabling them like in Peter and the Frankenstein too. The least plausible thing is actually the explanation given. I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that this somehow allows him (Dr. V) to open the locks. Part of what he did is dependent on which side he is now.