Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Peter and the Crazies" Chapter 13

"The crazies are coming, the crazies are coming!"

Don't read this update right before you go to bed.

#1) Wednesday, May 25th! Big Book Launch Day! Buy the ebooks - or at least VAMPIRES! 50% of the profits go to charity!

#2) The original blog post got eaten by Blogger, so I thought I'd add it in here. Jim Zoetewey was one of the first people to promote PETER AND THE VAMPIRES years ago, and I wanted to let you know about his fiction blog where he's putting down stories about superheroes. Check it out!

#3) Also, Amy D.C. sent me some way-cool drawings, and I posted them on this blog post. Check 'em out - they're halfway down in the green.

#4) If you're not yet in the Secret Society of Updates, email me at peterandthevampires (at symbol) so you can get the latest 5 chapters!

#5) I'm out of town for several days. I'll try to send more updates, but no promises.

Again, I chose a lovely place to leave you in the story. >: D

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

So I guess Tatman is the major villain for this story, after getting an entire chapter to himself!

Now I wonder why the group interview room has two ways out? If I were designing an asylum I'd want the layout as simple as possible so that guards could control the movements.

Rersh = To be in a hurry in the southern USA.

Um the Muse said...

@Rubberduck: No, in tactics, you always want an escape route. Remember, this facility is set-up like a prison. The odd thing is that the doors are unlocked; they should probably have key cards or something. Probably didn't have enough funds or something.

Also, this reminds me of a verse in the Bible (forgive me if this isn't an exact quote) "Called Legion, for we are many."

Tatman is a good name, but I'm gonna call him Darth Legion. Let's see if he lives up to his name.

orancire: What, you've never had orange cider before? It's totally delish.

Rubberduck said...

This is true, but I'd say the point of an asylum is you kind of don't WANT the inmates have an escape route. The guards and doctors have the power here, and if there's only one way in and out of the interview room, that makes it easier to contain an angry mental patient.

Though admittedly I'm no expert on prison design, perhaps they do have two entrances so that guards can come in from both sides if necessary.

Hangras: The wonderful smell you get on yourself after throwing cut grass around.

Cat said...

The tattoos sound cool! He could go and stand in an art gallery somewhere. He could even have little signs like "If you liked the snake's tail, don't forget to look in the other ear for its head" and other fun quotes. It could also be educational, particularly for young children.

I'm wondering if he might actually be there to help them. Crazy isn't always evil. Speaking of which, Dr V is a bit Jekyll-and-Hyde himself, so maybe following his advice wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea (in theory anyway). He seems to swing between uncontrollable homicidal mania and wanting to do everything possible to help Peter and co. The trick is knowing which shoulder-pixie he's currently listening to.

Jennifer said...

Probably fire saftey reasons to have 2 exits in every room. Also Dr. V unlocked all the eletronic doors. This woudln't have happened with good ole fashioned keys. ;)

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Haha - Tatman. I like that. I think Dill is going to call somebody that at some point.

I'll address the two-exit issue at the very end of the post...

Um the Muse -
What up, Um! Thanks for chiming in.

Cat -
Hmmmmm...Tatman helping them?

True, crazy isn't always evil...Dr. V is a good example. He's way more crazy than he is evil. He listens to the good pixie when it comes to Peter...well...kind of.

Jennifer -
Yup! Electronic locks are bad when dealing with evil geniuses.

Okay, so on the whole exit thing:

I am taking the PRISON BREAK defense.

In PRISON BREAK Season 1 (an awesome show if you haven't seen it, though S1 is about 200 times better than the following seasons), the main character builds a replica of the Taj Mahal for the warden, and the room he builds it in has two entry points. The room also seems to exist for no other purpose than to hold that matchstick Taj Mahal.

I figure if PRISON BREAK has a two-doorway exit system, Shadow Hills does, too.

Seriously (though I really AM kind of being serious about PRISON BREAK and the two exits), you've all brought up excellent points.

At the risk of pulling back the curtain so you can see the Wizard of Oz, I'll say this:

1) I needed two exits, because otherwise things would have been more boring. I originally planned just one exit, but that only gives Peter and the others one choice (which will be important in chapter 15 or 16).

2) I needed electronic locks or no locks at all for the same reason: plot. With standard locks, none of the crazies (or only a few) get loose to run free. No fun, no fun!

3) I figure that rooms dedicated to things like therapy might have two doors. While the asylum would want to contain prisoners and control the exits, any prisoner brought to a therapy room would be in chains and under heavy guard, and then be locked to one of the metal chairs bolted to the concrete.

4) The Curse brought Peter to Shadow Hills, but the Blessing brought him to a room with two exits.

5) The PRISON BREAK defense. Plus, I didn't have much room for researching this one, unlike previous stories (like MORGUE where I stayed in a hospital where the morgue actually was on the second floor). So PRISON BREAK is my main reference.

Dang good show, PRISON BREAK Season One...