Monday, May 23, 2011

"Peter and the Crazies" Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - "When Tattoos Attack"

Hola all,

We're almost there.

Wednesday, May 25th. The Big Book Launch Day.

1) If you can, please purchase all three books, preferably on Kindle (Vampires, Werewolves, Frankenstein). If you have a Nook, you can get them here (Vampires, Werewolves, Frankenstein). If you can't purchase all three, just buy VAMPIRES - it's only 99 cents. The others are only $2.99 apiece. Remember, 50% of profits on Wednesday go to charity.

2) If you don't mind, please email friends or post on Facebook with a link to buy VAMPIRES. Here's a sample of something you could write (copy it if you like, or rewrite at will). I'm also including some thumbnails of the covers if you want to use them.

If you just want to write, "Hey, I like this guy, he's publishing ebooks, here's the links, he's donating 50% to charity on Wednesday," that's fine by me. But please put in the URLs (at the bottom of the email thingee I wrote), because people like stuff made easy for them.



I've been following this author for a couple of years now as he blogged his books page by page. Now he's publishing them as ebooks on Kindle and Nook.

PETER AND THE VAMPIRES is a bunch of stories about a kid who moves into his grandfather's house, and bad, baaaaaaaaaad things start to happen. It's similar to the HARRY POTTER books in that it has a kid battling a bunch of supernatural monsters.

On Wednesday, May 25th, the author is trying to get as many people as possible to buy his books, and he's donating 50% of his profits to for people who buy it then.

So check it out on the Kindle store or at - it's only 99 cents (and $2.99 for each of the sequels, PETER AND THE WEREWOLVES and PETER AND THE FRANKENSTEIN).

The best part is, you don't have to own a Kindle or Nook to read it: you can download a free Kindle app here for your computer, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or other cell phones.

It's a really good story, you'd be helping a struggling author, and you're donating to charity.

Check it out!


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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Wow! Badass Peter is badass! I'm having visions of him at, like, 25 years old winning barfights against mere mortals with contemptuous ease then informing them that he's a professional supernatural monster hunter and anything less than the Apocalypse (by the way, how was everyone's Saturday?) doesn't faze him these days.

Hmm, what's your policy on fanfiction, Darren?

Also I very much like reason 4 from last post! Can that be canon, please?

Curophen = Do YOU have a headache caused by battling the mind-bending forces of darkness 24/7? Then you need CUROPHEN, fast relief from the sanity-draining hijinks of over 90% of all Lovecraftian horrors!

(WARNING: Curophen is not responisble for other injuries incurred when battling the mind-bending forces of darkness, contact with Slenderman will void terms of use, and do not operate heavy machinery 24 hours after taking.)

Um the Muse said...

I like your cover pictures, Darren. Two days 'til launch, good luck!

Todd said...

The man turned and backed up fast, ramming Peter into the wall – once, twice, three time.

I think "time" should be "times."

The pain of having 200 pounds of crazy guy crushing him – plus the strain on his arms from trying to hang onto the phone cord – was too much.

Brings new meaning to "Hanging on the Telephone."

MistyCat said...

It's Wednesday, May 25th here in Christchurch, New Zealand. I'm off between earthquake aftershocks to buy some Peter books.

For those of you in the slower parts of the world still lingering in Tuesday past, here's a story about speeding things up, just to fill in some time.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
That's true, he is a little more badass here than normal, isn't he?

Fan-fictionalize away, Rubberduck! (Just put in a link to the books and say it's not canon!)

Actually, #4 is by far the best explanation I've got. In the Peterverse, take it for granted if something Bad happens, it's the Curse; if he gets a lucky break, it's the Blessing.

Um the Muse -
Thank you, Um!

Todd -
Good catch - and how true.

Also..."dropped call"...?

MistyCat -
Thank you, MC! I really appreciate it - and dang, take care of yourself over there...

By the way, cool link. I'm'a gonna go read it.