Friday, November 6, 2009

"Peter And The Werewolves" Page 66

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

Well we will know if Dill is a wolf by the next full moon. They might have to keep him locked up on the first one just to make sure.

Rubberduck said...

Impressed Grandfather is impressed. Remember when he thought Peter was just some useless kid?

I'm not very worried about Dill and his possible lycanthropy. The wolves clearly keep their reason when they transform, and the three frat boys were di- not very nice people in the first place. Possibly the worst that'll happen to Dill is that he gets very very hungry, and loses some of his inhibitions. As long as they're careful to feed him lots of raw meat, everything should be fine.

Firchies - Cheese that's been left out too long and now needs to be shaved.

Eldoran said...

There might be a antidote. In literature it is sometimes possible to cure lycantropy with specific herbs. Dill hasn't changed yet (sometimes the time when it becomes irreversible). I hope the eating the heart of the one who caused it, isn't necessary. Using silver might be a pseudo-scientific cure - injecting silver (particles or ions) might work. "Disinfection" of the wound might require silver too, to overcome the resistance to common toxins. Maybe they can at least suppress the wolf instincts and the urge to change?
Or Dill could be right and it was only a twig.

Um the Muse said...

Surely one could compare the wound to a werewolf's claw?

Yay for Frankenstein's Monster!
That would be so cool if the boys got him as an ally. He is just misunderstood, right?

v-word: Surru. Just one level below guru, the surru is young enough to actually do stuff. See: Beth

Anonymous said...

New story starting tomorrow?! But there's so much left hanging from this one! Not just whether or not Dill's a werewolf now, but whether everyone who appeared to be dead really is, what sort of fallout there's going to be from all the dead bodies if so, etc. Then again, maybe that will get worked out as part of the next story? It just seems like an odd note to end a story on. Usually there's a bit more resolution.

That said, is story seems to have broken new ground on several levels... It's the first one (that I can think of, anyway) where anyone's actually died (other than monsters), and the first one that may have any aftereffects other than just the boys being in trouble with some authority figure or other... It's interesting to see things moving in a slightly darker direction.

Anonymous said...

What a cruel, cruel ending!

It's be kind of interesting to see silver injections though. Science is working on them to cure infections and lycanthropy is technically an infection. Haha.

Rai said...

Ahh, and the last comment was me!

Cat said...

Aww evil! You can't leave it on a cliff-hanger like that! Please tell me you'll tell us more in the next story. Please, please, please? *Puppy dog eyes (not related to werewolves in any way)*

I don't think Dill would be much worse as a werewolf anyway. Now Beth, on the other hand... *shudder*

Darren said...

daymon34 -
Oh, we'll know sooner than that!

Rubberduck -
You're not worried that Dill's a werewolf?! How dare you!

But yes, it is nice that GF's opinion of Peter is improving.

Eldoran -

Um the Muse -
But the werewolves' claws are all gone!

Misunderstood? Hmmmm...

misslynx -
This story was definitely designed as a cliffhanger. In fact, I had planned it to be the last story of the second book.

See? You get your answers tomorrow, instead of having to wait 6-12 months for another book to come out!

Yeah, this story kind of signals a move into a different direction. Actually, a couple, maybe, like you suggest...

Rai -
A cruel, cruel ending?

Well...I guess it kinda was...

Cat -
NOOO! HA HA HA HA! We shall never speak of the werewolf episode again! Nothing shall ever be resolved! EVER!

Come know me better than that.

Unknown said...

Wow. Didn't expect you to go there. Color me impressed and apprehensive.