Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Peter And The Frankenstein" Page 48

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


MistyCat said...

I'm glad to see that Grandfather is starting to become more involved with Peter's problems. Grandfather remains my favourite character, with Beth and Gil fighting (scratching, biting) for last place.

V-Word: pheat. Phairly good pheat. Not phantastic, not phine, just phair,

Rubberduck said...

I'm a little confused - Dr. V.'s obviously a fairly decent bloke, so why can't they just ask him straight-up what he's doing and if he'd like to stop pretty please with flowers on top? All this sneaking and lying - it'll turn Peter into Grandfather if he's not careful.

Neolya = A Russian word describing the perfect arc of a snowball as it lifts high, peaks, and comes down to land on your best friend's face.

Rai said...

I don't think they can ask him. Remember when Peter went near the door in his lab? He got super defensive.

Oh, P.S. we really don't use formaldehyde as a preservative anymore since it's highly toxic. :]

daymon34 said...

Well looks like Peter is going to get an inside look at the place again. I wonder if the Doctor's new pet will be around.

Here is hoping that Peter makes it back out ok.

Darren said...

MistyCat -
MistyCat's part of the I <3 GF Club!

Rubberduck -

Peter turning into GF?! Hmmmm...

Rai -
True dat on the super defensive.

So...when you say formaldehyde as a preservative, do you mean corpses, or frogs?

daymon34 -
New pet...ha...