Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Peter And The Frankenstein" Page 66

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Miss Lynx said...

Awwww... The big bad monster likes doggies. <3

V-word: adsher: Cockney slang term for a door-to-door salesman.

AnakMoon said...

Poor misunderstood monster

I think the brows are way too light but this is what i got from reading this chapter


wv- refflon - what Scooby Doo's pans are coated in.

Rubberduck said...

Ah, so that's the benefit of not reading for a couple of days - coming back to a procrastination-filled morning of fun!

Now, I was expecting the monster to stop the bullet with its hand. If it didn't, does that mean it could go down to gunfire, or would the skull and muscles around the torso stop the bullet?

But yeah, the monster seems to be, if not friendly, then at least not actively evil - it did kick a dog, which is evil, but felt really bad afterwards, which sort of makes up for it.

Progi - The Italian word for a child you have constructed, not conceived: 'Ah! Mi progi es en Ingleterre a momente!' (Keen readers may notice that I don't speak Italian.)

daymon34 said...

That is the end of that truck, getting throw will be the end of most vehicles. And wow is that guy tall, I wonder where he found him at.
Maybe the glowing eyes is caused by the zombie rock stuck in him somewhere.

Time to move Peter, being at that spot might not be a good idea now.

Rai said...

I have to say. Poor Parker. First his truck, then Bertha, then Percival. Everything he owns and love is getting beat. Glad the monster cares about the doggy though. :)

Let's hope he cares that much about Peter still...

v-word: jecebuf: A delightful, light, French pastry.

Mary said...

Ah, a weak spot...let's hope it holds true for Peter and Dill as well.
Did he REALLY save Peter?
And could the poor dog have survived?

Fiona said...

Wow Anakmoon, that is very scary and I think totally captures the scariness of his enraged expression.
Maybe you gave him too much nose. He only has nostrils.

romakerl: a type of pasta

AnakMoon said...

looks like it huh fiona.. i tried to make it look as squished as possible.. like it was stretched flat

Darren said...

Miss Lynx -
And not just to eat them!

AnakMoom -
Wow, that's really good!

When I get back home (I'm on the road at the moment), I'll upload a sketch of my own...I'd say yours is incredibly close, except his nose is gone, leaving open slits where the nostrils normally would be.

And I liked the Reflon.

Rubberduck -
Oh yeah, it could definitely get blown away by enough gunpower. I figure one well-placed shot to the head would probably kill him, too.

It's not any more indestructible than a really, really strong 8 foot tall man. No special defenses...except maybe being dead confers special privileges on what slows him down. And he CAN survive certain things live people can't since he's...well...already dead.

"Mi progi, mi progi, oogi es la spaghetti?!"

daymon34 -
Ah, the eyes will be explained soon...

Rai -
Let's hope!

Mary -

Fiona -
Yup on the nostrils...

AnakMoon Pt 2 -
Still an awesome picture. Very scary.