Friday, December 18, 2009

"Peter And The Frankenstein" Page 61

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

“I asked him if he knew where to get a My Little Zombie Magic Mausoleum™ for Darren for Christmas, but he just stared at me with those empty sockets until I got tired of waiting and shut the door. Stupid zombie.”

word verification: mulanog

What stupid zombies drink for Christmas.

daymon34 said...

Well that is one way to get him to talk, and grey skin... Big and scary has grey skin, that would mean he has been dead a long time.

Rai said...

First, the dog has floppy hair or floppy ears? >.>

Second, hair and nails don't grow after death, but the skin does desiccate causing the appearance that the skin and nails are growing still.

Eldoran said...

I'd say Dill and Peter are the wrong audience for this "scary story". After the Dead men, Vampires and the like, those zombies don't sound that scary.

Um the Muse said...

Well, I dunno. I thought the vampires sounded cute. Besides, mannequins didn't sound too--until they were getting chased by them.
Speaking of which, I forgot about those dessisi. Giess!

Darren said...

Todd -
He probably didn't want to tell you because he's buying them all up and selling them on eBay.

daymon34 -

Rai -
Floppy hair and floppy ears. He's a big black mop.

Second, I doubt Parker even knows the meaning of the word 'desiccate.'

Eldoran -
I don't to bet and have Dill sit on you while he hears the story?

Um the Muse -
True. Some of the villains were supposed to be...well, not that threatening to begin with, but gradually ramping up on the scare factor.