Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Peter And The Frankenstein" Page 56

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DontPanik said...

Aaaaahhhh! Spiders are worse than zombies and bodysnatchers! And spiders big enough to look you in the eye are the scariest!

Rubberduck said...


I have a theory that it's not a spider, it's just an animated collection of limbs. And that would STILL be better than a giant spider.

I'd rather take my chances with the monst- oops, 'Janitor's brother'. Because it's not a SPIDER.


Antalp - All you can manage to squeak out when being meanaced by a giant spider. It really means, "I feel like a tiny insignficiant ant in the face of this arachnid terror. HALP."

Um the Muse said...

Worse, the spider is actively pursuing Peter. Otherwise, you could hope to trap the Janitor's brother in the webs instead, or simply avoid them. The spider shouldn't be hungry after eating so recently, after all.

Dr. V really knows what he's doing :(

Still, I think that he'd rather trap Peter, because Peter's grandfather is bankrolling everything. Hold him for ransom, maybe?

Mary said...

God, I think I would RATHER it be limbs like Rubberduck suggested.
I HATE spiders!
I freaked out reading the forest scenes in the Harry Potter books because of my arachnophobia and watched ROTK with my eyes closed during the Shelob scenes.
*shudders and tries to find a spider free place to hide*
Darren, and I mean this with all due respect, I do NOT like you right now! ;-)

WV- Nonic- a spider free safe zone (non-icky)

Rai said...

Hehe, I have a tarantula too. Goliath Bird Eater. :D And yes, poison dart frogs. I breed them. Along with snakes and have at some point dabbled in breeding birds and chameleons as well.

Darren said...

Dontpanik -

Don't panic!

Rubberduck -
Dang you and your limbs conspiracies!

Um the Muse -
I would answer you, Um, except your post is predicated on it being an arachnid...

Mary -
Dang you, too!

Rai -
Breeder of tarantulas, poison dart frogs, and chameleons! Thou art a Dr. Veedermeier in training!

V-word: They are becoming incredibly unimaginative. 'Obsess'? What, are we in a Calvin Klein commercial?

daymon34 said...

And Peter should start screaming any time now, I know I probably would. Followed by lots of running, and then finding something to hit it with.