Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Grandfather and the Grownups" Page 27 and 28

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Todd said...

Most entertaining!

Um the Muse said...

Someone this competent, and he's on Peter's side?!? What's the catch? He's probably, like, some demon overlord or something. The $800/hr is just to lull Seamus before Pryce takes his soul.

Rubberduck said...


@Darren-from-yesterday - I did already mention his screaming fangirls, right? Besides, Pryce cares more about smiting evil than being popular.

And, totally called it that Jenkins would be shot down over the Dark Peter thing! He is helpless before the radiance of Pryce!

Theash - A small Irish town that was beset with Fomorians. However, the attacks stopped mysteriously last June and now the locals can scare them away merely by playing reruns of Law and Order.

AnakMoon said...

Jenkins needs to be taken off the police force after that little episode of his on the stand. I would not feel safe as a citizen with that man patrolling my town when he would have a vengeance out for a little boy int hat manner. Down with Jenkins!

wv- tumor - even the wv thingy thinks Jenkins is a bad dude

daymon34 said...

Oh Jenkins, that sounded painful to admit it wasn't Peter. And so funny, as a judge I would have a hard time believing a cop acting like that.

Pryce is worth every cent, though this group against Peter has not lifted a finger to help him. So it is pretty easy to splash them in red.

Darren said...

Todd -

Um the Muse -
Ahhhh - the catch is, this competent for HIRE.

Rubberduck -
Weeeelllll...remember, Pryce is not all fluffy bunnies and baby chicks. Remember his quote, "I typically represent clientele who are in slightly more danger than the juvenile justice system."

I can guarantee you that he's not just representing nuns and orphans. Or even innocent people.

AnakMoon -
Haha, that was awesome about the 'tumor.'

I can just hear Ah-nold sticking up for Jenkins: "He's naht a too-muhr."

daymon34 -
Well, he's worth every cent, as long as he gets them acquitted...

Seaspray said...

to be utterly fair, unless he does stuff like exclusively get the mob out of trouble for drive-by shootings, then he's not a bad egg imo.

Getting people out of trouble is a lawyers job, and the whole point of the trial is for the prosecution to present evidence that proves guilt more than the defense can present evidence that shows innocence...

Charisma unfortunately helps a fair bit in this :P