Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Grandfather and the Grownups" Page 48

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Jennifer said...


Does your sister know you're writing about her? Geez you could have changed the names a little. ;)

I think Melissa has seen lots of weird stuff, but lets denial kick in a lot.

WV: pidism - the act of doing nothing. See diddly squat.

AnakMoon said...

I kind of wonder if the curse affects the women of the family as well, but in an oblivious type of way rather them a magnet for monsters type of way. It would be a curse of their own to live with, never quite understanding the men in their family, and even though they may try to get away from the edge of madness that clouds their lives, they are inexplicably drawn back to the roost, they are the ones who pass on the curse to the male children after all.

mergerm - like wheatgerm!

Todd said...

Beth has always reminded me of my sister.

My sister is twenty-four.

daymon34 said...

Well Peter is young and wouldn't think of his friends throwing him to the wolfs. Seamus can see it happening as it probably happened to him at least once.

Dill on the stand is probably just going to be funny. To much Law and Order for him.

Um the Muse said...

For shame, Pryce. You really should prep your whitnesses a lot better than that. A simple "don't mess up!" doesn't help you win your case, especially if you're unsure of your whitnesses in the first place.

We still haven't found out what Seamus' bright idea was, right? Too bad they can't sic the brownies on them.

Darren said...

Jennifer -
She gets royalties.

So far, though, 5% of zero is...nothing.

Yes, I think Melissa thinks denial is just a river in Egypt.

AnakMoon -
It's far from settled in my mind, but you have brought up an interesting point.

Two things to note: the Curse came about during a rather chauvinistic time, so it's probably more on the males' shoulders than the females'. On the other hand, the women definitely have to deal with a lot of crap.

Second, though, is that GF even has a thought about how the Curse has ramped up since Peter came to town. So it was perfectly possible to live in denial in decades or centuries past...if you were on the fringes, like Melissa. Or, back in 1750, I'm sure belief in supernatural monsters was a lot more common that it would be today.

Todd -
I am not telling how old my sister is or she will hunt me down and kill me.

daymon34 -
Dill is going to be AWESOME.

Um the Muse -
Come on, now, it was a joke! To lighten the mood!

And it might be that Pryce doesn't WANT the children to know what's coming...that might be part of the strategy...