Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 28 thru 30

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Um the Muse said...

Wait. Was that last part just what Scott imagined, or did he actually see kids taking pictures? If it was the second one those kids would've seen him being pants (as if the shove from the bully wasn't evidence enough).

Supsta: How Jennifer greets all of the superstars she knows--ie Jax. What a guy.

Rubberduck said...

^ I think the last part was real - he saw someone holding a camera, so they were taking a photo or maybe a video, then noticed there was more than one. Yeah, they'd have seen him getting pantsed, but they're taking pictures because...they've just seen him getting pantsed. Standard practice for anyone, even without Scott's new rep!

Jax is back! Hey Jax! We can hang out later, if you're not too busy. Or if you are busy can I help out? Or not, that's cool too.

Nonsmic = A slang term, contraction of non-cosmic i.e. not good. Jax exerted his influence to stop the spread of the word overnight after someone followed him round all day annoying him with it. That was a totally nonsmic day for me after- I mean, what a guy.

Darren said...

Um the Muse -
No, it's just a-hole kids filming the nerd who got pantsed so they can put it up on Youtube later.

Supsta. I like it.

"What a guy." If Dill ever meets Jax, Dill is going to have to say that - "What a guy."

Rubberduck -
Re: the pantsing: 'zactly.

By the way, Jax says thas cool, he'll hang with you. Just swing by out back of the gym after school.

But don't bother him if he's spending quality time with his new lady.