Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 51 thru 53

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubbeduck said...

Hmm...interesting reaction to Mike's death. Will we see how it's affected Tad, or his parents? I did like the quiet scene between Jennifer and Jax, though.

I wonder if anyone'll notice Scott doesn't have an alibi (coz, you know, he was actually there) and DOES have a motive. I suppose the guys that fought the Shadow Man had other things on their minds, but one of them might have seen Scott.

Volest = Norse word, used to refer to something between a captain and a brother. The Vikings' bond of Volest with their thanes was what made them so tenacious and dangerous. Only a rare few people can inspire Volest these days, but when they appear, what guys they are.

Thavieus said...

Sounds like half the school had a motive, and also they have multiple eye witnesses of an attacker who wasn't Scott or anyone else at school. Mike's mates will probably get the rap due to being there and them all making up some crazy story to cover what obviously really happened..

Darren said...

Rubberduck -

Friends, Vikings, countrymen, lend me your ears,
I sing of Jax and the bond of Volest
Between him and his brothers. What a guy.

Thavieus -
True dat. Plus, Scott was hiding behind a slide until everybody ran for it. Only then did he walk up to Mike and the Shadow Man.

Seaspray said...

You know what's going to be spelt out?

'What a guy...'


Ancient Greek God of the monsters that live in cupboards under stairs. Ironically only gained a following in modern times, due to a lack of under-stairs cupboards in ancient Greece

Darren said...

Seaspray -
Hahahahaha! It took me a second to get that, but it was awesome.

Yes, even Ouija boards agree - what a guy.